Cafe’s closed. See new cafe

Where’s katiebird? I can’t find her!

Katiebird isn’t here because her youngest brother is getting married today. Hope she’s having a great day.

Psst — since katiebird isn’t here to see it, we can all give in to our worst eating habits — but just while she’s gone. Hot pastrami on rye and chicken soup with matzo balls for me.

Please unrecommend the earlier cafe and recommend this one.

May the 4’s be with you

Closed this cafe. New one opened

Wedding Day!

Katiebird isn’t here because her youngest brother is getting married today. Have a great day, katiebird!

Have a seat, read a paper, chat with your friends, and serve yourself from the buffet.
Please unrecommend yesterday’s cafe and recommend this one.

May the 4’s be with you

Froggy Bottom Cafe — Late Night

Froggy Bottom Cafe — Baby It’s Still Cold Outside
Weather Report: it’s snowing in Kansas and it’s coming my way.

Remember designated commenters are limited to one drink.

Please unrecommend earlier cafe and recommend this one.

May the 4’s be with you

Keep on Thankin’ Froggy Bottom Cafe

The night before the following Thanksgiving

 I wasn’t planning on 3 diaries worth of gratitude but unlike that third
  helping of stuffing, there’s always room for more thanks:

All my dogs, past and present
Our little house in the woods, complete with all the mistakes we made while building it.

Cafe will be open Thanksgiving Day!

Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier)

Foggy Bottom Cafe Thankful & Closed. New One Open

What a fine, fine way to spend the day

 Still more to be grateful for:

The Sixties are dead
No one expects me to rake leaves
Camp — 3 summers of

perfecting my make-out technique

horses and other wholesome fun

Mom let that soldier pick her up on the trolley
kansas Discovers the Blue Dot
The Blue Dot Discovers kansas

Sappy or snarky or both, what’s your list?

Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier)

This Froggy Bottom Cafe Closed. New one opened

Pull up a chair, relax, and enjoy the company.

 It’s almost Thanksgiving and I’ve got so much I’m grateful for:

My Best Buddy
Old Friends  
New Friends
Natural Beauty At My Home  
Natural Beauty Far Away
But more than anything I’m grateful that
nobody knows what I looked like as a kid.
Sappy or snarky or both, what’s your list?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from yesterday)

Yet Another Tuesday Froggy Bottom Cafe

Take a Marmot to Enjoy the Cafe

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself

Come on in!

Eats & booze on the menu, popcorn & pretzels on every table, same surly waitress

Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door

Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier today)

May the 4’s be with you