Author: Archangel M

A bit more about the nomination battle.

Allison Kilkenny muses about how Hillary Clinton might just turn off enough voters in the general election to have them stay home, which is kind of the argument Barack Obama, his wife, and their supporters have been...

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Ledger, McCain, Krugman, Clinton, and Obama

We now know what did in actor Heath Ledger: an accidental overdose of prescription medications, according to MSNBC.  The combination of drugs in his system took their toll on the physically and mentally exhausted young man,...

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My Vote In Ohio’s Primary

I post this the day before Super Tuesday, which is tomorrow, February 5th, 2008.  My state, Ohio, holds its primary on March 4th.  As you may already know, I was backing Kucinich for president.  Of all the...

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