Author: Archangel M

Societal Murder

Last night, as I sat at my computer, an unholy stench came into the house and offended my olfactory nerves.  It smelt of sewage, and something worse, but it seemed to come from outside.  We have skunks in the...

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I’m sorry.

Here’s something you’ll never hear from any pundit, news reporter, or politician this Memorial Day: an apology. To all the soldiers who have been maimed and killed in the wars of the Bush-Cheney regime: I’m...

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Really, why should Clinton drop out?

A while back I had made a big stink about the primaries dragging on, because of the damage being done to the Democratic Party by having two massive egos battling it out until August.  But after doing some reading and...

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Pot, meet Kettle.

The boy just can’t seem to stop making an ass of himself, can he?  John McCain, who can’t even tell Iraqi resistance fighters from Iranians, can’t distinguish between al-Qaeda and Iran — because as...

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