Author: Arminius

A Radical Call to Civil Disobedience!

Today’s New York Times has an incredible editorial about the call of Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles for all Christians to practice civil disobediance against the looming new immigration “reforms.” Excerpts...

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Deconstructing a Bush Lie

I’ve spent five years fulminating every day about Bush’s lies and incompetence and damage to this country. It’s easy to see (if you’re not part of the cult like my father) that Bush has a dull mind. But...

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Draft Al Gore!

Everyone who opposes George W. Bush and the authoritarians who have taken over the U.S. government MUST carefully listen to Al Gore’s brilliant speech given today in Washington! It was the best speech I’ve ever seen...

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Nightmare Immigration Bill

I happened to turn on C-SPAN last night just in time to see the craven U.S. Congress pass the Sensenbrenner bill H.R. 4437 by a margin of 239-182. 17 Republicans were opposed, but 36 Democrats voted for it. Among other horrors,...

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