Author: Arminius

CBS Movie on Pope John Paul II

In approximately 2,000 years there have been 265 popes of the Roman Catholic Church. The pope is the Bishop of Rome, who is considered “primus inter pares” (first among equals) among the thousands of bishops of the...

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Hey Salunga

Knoxville Progressive had an interesting short diary this morning that said the following: U.S. Patent Issued for Anti-Gravity Device by Knoxville Progressive Thu Nov 10th, 2005 at 09:42:00 AM EDT Let’s see – the...

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Safe Place?

Hi. I just created an account here. I recognize many names here from the old Billmon blog. I’d like to know up front–based on what I say below, is it safe for me to try to seek community here?

I was very active on various blogs from 2001 to early 2005, but on Easter Day this year I got nuclear- obliterated on Daily Kos (under another user name) when I tried to argue for a pro-life perspective on the Terri Schiavo tragedy. I had been a regular there for years, with thousands of “4s”, but I got zero-rated so bad it would take 1,000 years to recover.

I was so shocked and angered by the vicious reaction that I registered as an “Independent” when I moved in May to Carroll County, Maryland. But I’m changing that back very soon! I stayed away from the blogs for a long time, but I returned during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and I can’t leave during the current implosion of the evil Bush regime.

I’ve been a Yellow Dog Dem for more than 30 years and I contribute regularly to lefty causes. I gave several thousand dollars to John Kerry’s campaign.  (And I think the election was stolen in Ohio.) But I’m also a believing Catholic and I definitely disagree with the Democratic consensus on a few hot issues.

Is it safe for someone like me here, if I stay polite? Thanks for any responses!

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