Author: ATinNM

Senator Kerry’s On-Line Petition

I just recieved an email from Senator Kerry about his 20,000 Troops Home For the Holidays petition.Text of E-Mail We can’t depend on George W. Bush finally seeing the light. And we surely can’t rely on Dick Cheney...

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Scopes Trial Paradox

Without a lot of bother as a prelude …

This came from an e-list I’m on and I thought it might be of interest to some and a break from Plame’ing to others.

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Breaking News – NYC Bomb Plot Hoax

[From the diaries by susanhu.]

Update [2005-10-11 14:18:23 by ATinNM]:
Yet more information coming in, via Keith Olbermann’s MSNBC Countdown newsletter:

In a “special report” tonight and tomorrow, Olbermannn will be going through the 13 false alerts that were oddly timed with political problems.

Yesterday New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said police would be “slowly winding down” the intensity of subway patrols, after the target date cited in a federal warning about a possible terrorist attack passed without incident. See this.

As Pete Williams said in his report last night, those arrests in Iraq turned up nothing. “Law enforcement officials say today that investigations in the Iraqi city where three men were arrested last week, in response to a tip … turned up no evidence whatsoever of any plan to attack New York. That includes giving the three men lie detector tests, searching their computers, and checking their phone call records.”

Tonight… a postmortem on this latest terror threat, which officials at Homeland Security had said was of doubtful credibility.

And on Wednesday, Keith takes a closer look… As he said yesterday, “…we spoke of at least thirteen [13] coincidences of timing, between bad political news for the government, and a terror or terror-related event… We will be presenting a special report detailing those coincidences on Wednesday night’s edition.”


CNN has a banner headline:

“Informant in Iraq admits information about a terror plot against New York subway was a hoax, sources tell CNN”

No details are available as of 9:45 MST.

Too funny. MORE below:

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Roy Spencer Goes Wing-Nut

Roy Spencer is a Climate Scientist who has had papers critical of Global Warming published in reputable scientific journals.   OK, fair enough.  The evidence for Global Warming has been extremely difficult to achieve,...

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