CA-48: Turncoat Democrat wants back/what should he/you do
The Latest on the CA-48th
In the Open Primary race for the CA-48th district there were 17 names on the ballot. The two real Republican contenders were State Senator John Campbell and Marilyn Brewer. Brewer was the more moderate of the two. She based her campaign on a truly dumb idea of attracting enough Democrats and Indy’s to beat the Campbell Machine. (Campbell is a millionaire plus a good fund raiser.)
Anyway, two-three weeks prior to the Primary a four color full sized mail piece arrived with the portrait of Jerry Patterson, a 5 term past Democratic Congressman from Orange County, and several former Kerry city chairs all endorsing in the strongest terms Marylyn Brewer and urging Dem’s to vote for her. They had all drank the typical Republican Kool-aid in any Red District….Democrats Can’t Win Here.
This mail piece went, as best we can tell, to every Democrat in the district. It was a blow at best. Having a 10 year DEMOCRAT former Congressman endorse your Republican opposition isn’t exactly a good day! Infuriating too.
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