Author: Bonddad

Housing Slowdown Continues

Housing is the engine of the current US economy.  A conservative reading of the last 4 years of job gains indicates it is responsible for roughly 40% of job creation.  Last year, housing was responsible for 44% of the...

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Ladies, It’s Time to Plan for a Dark Future

To the women I know online and offline:

Important gains of the last 40+ years are now under attack.  In all probability, they will be eroded over the next 20+ years.  This is largely due to the instillation of a right-wing majority on the Supreme Court and the better state-level legislative organization of the religious right.  Abortion and contraceptive freedom will no longer be a given.  While I do not think this will go so far as to affect individual property rights, I will put nothing past these people.  

Assuming this to be true, it is time to seriously consider underground organization for these dark times ahead.  I have no idea how this should or could be done.  But the time to begin planning is before the storm hits, not after.  

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Public Health: Cheaper, Longer Life, Fewer Dead Kids

One of the right’s primary arguments against a single-payer national health system is it will be more expensive than private insurance.  They argue against another federal program.  What they have not recognized is all other countries that have public health plans are actually cheaper than the US as expressed in expenditures per GDP and per capita.  In addition, public health systems in some cases provide better overall health service as measured through an increased life expectancy.

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Hume Tells Williams: "Someone Needs to Hose You Down"…

Brit Hume, who normally busies himself minimizing the 2000 brave Americans who died for a lie in Iraq, just told the African-American journalist, Juan Williams, “Someone needs to hose you down.”

Of course, this house slave might just say, “Thank you Sir, may I have another,”…or maybe he will say that this kind of neo-con racism proves that he all along has been unworthy of being called a journalist

From a DailyKos Diary.

Please email Media Matters:

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The US Savings Crisis

My father is a saver.  He had a lucrative career as a corporate lawyer.  But, he didn’t spend like it.  Although I never wanted for anything, we were certainly not awash in things.  My mom and dad have had the same washing machine for 20 years.  It works fine, so there is no need to replace it or upgrade to the newest model.  My parents conspicuously saved for their retirement.  And now, they are fine.  I often joke with my dad that he should get the crowbar out, open his wallet and spend some money on himself.  The point is my dad is a saver.  And I am damn proud of his actions.

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