Bush: Announcing His Vetting Process

“I do remain confident in Linda. She’ll make a fine labor secretary. From what I’ve read in the press accounts, she’s perfectly qualified.”

-Bush in Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001.

Talk among yourselves, the boogal is home from Atlanta.

The Site

It’s time for a little retrospective. The site has been live since approximately 10:30PM EST Sunday night.

We just passed 340 registered users. The site has had 112,021 hits in less than 6 days.

We have added a RSS feed, moved the regional threads so that the West is on the left, added links at the bottom of diaries so you can pop back up to the top of the thread or the top of the diary.

Plus a few other things. There is a suggestion box diary. Please use your brains to come up with ideas to make the site even better.


If any of you have any diaries you would like to cross-post, please do. I’d like to see how the recommended system is working. But, it’s hard to tell with the trickle of diaries we have today.

Update [2005-3-18 12:6:32 by BooMan]: Also, we have a RSS feed at the bottom of the page now.

While America Sleeps

As the public is fed constant pabulum, like this:

As the latest signal of Michael Jackson’s apparent financial difficulties, one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the child molestation case against the pop star intends to slap a lien Friday on Jackson’s Neverland ranch, NBC News has learned.

F. Mark Schaffel, a gay porn producer who also produced two unaired “rebuttal” videos meant to counter the negative publicity from the 2003 documentary, “Living With Michael Jackson,” is seeking to ensure he is repaid what he claims are at least $3 million in outstanding debts: $1 million for production of the two videos, and more than $2 million in personal loans, payments and gifts for such famous Jackson friends as Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando.


I wonder if Dan Abrams will report this:

Under sharp questioning at a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Goss sought to reassure lawmakers that all interrogations “at this time” were legal and that no methods now in use constituted torture. But he declined, when asked, to make the same broad assertions about practices used over the last few years.

NY Times

Some thoughts about the Frog

Well, we’ve had a lot of suggestions on naming the Frog. And we need to make some progress here, people.

So, I went through and picked out twenty names that either got a lot of support, or just struck me as damn funny.

We’ll whittle these down to 10, and then we’ll have a poll.

Defend your choices.

Names are below the fold (in no particular order):
1. Clarence Frogman Henry

2. Turdblossom

3. Phib

4. Gregor Samsa

5. I.M. Dunfore

6. Jeremiah

7. Prescott

8. Ribbits

9. Kenny Boy

10. Blog Frog

11. Henri Le Frog

12. Rovitt

13. Boomer

14. Phrog

15. Karl

16. Mr. Pickle

17. Jean-Frog Van Damme

18. Freedom Frog

19. Boofrog

20. Darwin

Share some mojo.


My Breaking Headline was apparently in error. A result of credulity on my part in reading this Recommended Diary on dKos.


The lawyers for Green presidential candidate David Cobb and Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik, along with Kerry-Edwards 2004 have added election tampering to a civil suit filed against the state of Ohio over problems with the state’s recount, RAW STORY has learned.

The Raw Story

To see the affidavit click here

To see Georgia10’s opus:Armando’s Challenge