Author: btchakir

Can we have government without corruption?

Everyone knows “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Given the fact that this knowledge is universal, what chances do we have for an uncorrupted government? My guess is that the chances are few at...

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Bush Vs. Tourists

We are at the height of the tourist season in the Washington DC Metro… it’s a time when Americans (and people from all over the world) visit the Capital to see what our history is all about. It’s a time of the...

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Another (wasted?) open letter to Steny Hoyer:

Congressman: Once again I am contacting you from Greenbelt, MD, where you are my Representative and I am but a small digit in the voter calculations. This is in reference to the “Executive Order: Blocking Property of...

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What has the long night brought us?

As we crawl into the afternoon on Wednesday, the question of whether pushing the Republicans into an actual filibuster has brought any results to the floor. I have always felt that part of a debate/discussion was to be...

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