Author: Buckley Roberts

"Keep Your Mouth Shut"

From the WSJ: “I don’t think the blogosphere is breeding cannibals. But it looks to me as if the world of blogs may be filling up with people who for the previous 200 millennia of human existence kept their weird...

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Dulce et Decorum Est

Cross posted at DailyKos As the politicians slowly decide whether or not we should be in Iraq, a debate they should have had before the invasion, the number of fallen soldiers creeps towards the number of people lost to the...

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Republicans Live in a Post-9/11 World

Rove is shifting from trying to protect the president from the bitter sting of reality to focus on the politics of the party. Not that he’ll change his title or be any less influential in the White House but he sees the...

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Why the Ryan Verdict Matters

Some people call Illinois one of the most corrupt states.  That’s a contentious point that I don’t necessarily agree with considering what came out of Texas recently and everything that is going on in Ohio and...

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