Author: Cali Scribe

Tony LaRussa and the Midterm Elections

non sequitur (noun) — 1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement. 2. a kick-ass comic strip by Wiley Miller Looking at the title, you’re probably wonder,...

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Mass Murderer Walks Free!

So, who is this mass murderer? And what prosecutor, what police force, is shirking their public duties and preventing justice from being served? Is this a modern-day Willie Horton situation? Is this a drug dealer cutting deals...

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Good News for Online Journalists

This just in: Apple Computer has decided to drop their case against online journalists who “leaked” sensitive company information. Specifically, they let the deadline pass without filing an appeal to the California...

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Return to Pre-9/11 Thinking

This is more a personal reflection than anything political, but I do have a bit of political commentary at the end just to keep things interesting… I used to love to fly. My mother hated it…perhaps that’s why I...

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Enron Verdicts In

Just got out of bed and greeted by the news that the verdicts are in on the Enron trial. Details still sketchy, but: Ken Lay — guilty on all 6 counts Jeff Skilling — guilty on 18 counts, not guilty on 10 Guilty...

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