Author: canberra boy

Bush offers cyclone aid to Australia!

I’m trying not to wake the family with my laughter, having just seen Australia’s Prime Minister on TV saying that he has declined George Bush’s offer of aid after Cyclone Larry struck the North Queensland coast...

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Mixed feelings at Christmas time

Merry Christmas, every one!  It’s 8.30am on Christmas Day here. Our two girls have fallen asleep again after waking up at 2.57am and 4.30am respectively to see what Santa had left in their stockings.  Lots of...

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Nguyen Tuong Van is about to die [UPDATED]

Two-and-a-half hours after I post this diary, Australian Nguyen Tuong Van will be executed by hanging in Singapore’s Changi Prison. Van was arrested with 396.2 grams of heroin while transiting through Changi Airport en...

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Hey andy, about the clock…

I’m afraid there doesn’t seem to be any way I can e-mail andy about a technical matter, so this diary will have to do.  (I didn’t want to e-mail Booman right now on something relatively minor.)

Much of eastern Australia has just gone onto summer (or daylight) time (UTC +11).  So I reset my user preferences for Eastern Aust Daylight time.  Trouble is, this results in the display being an hour behind what it should be.  If I switch it back to Eastern Aust Standard it shows two hours behind.

As I recall, the time is calculated by or from the BT server settings.  I know daylight time has just ended on the US West Coast.  Andy, can you check the server clock and the time zone selected for the server in scoop?  I suspect the problem may be one of those.  This would be confirmed if other people are getting strange readings…

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[UPDATED] soj is alive and blogging

Just out of curiosity I clicked on the Eurotrib blogroll link to Flogging the Simian.  Following her ‘farewell from blogging’ posts in late September, soj took her site down and hasn’t posted here since.

But guess what?  Three weeks later, FTS reappeared (with the monkey and woman changing positions!) and soj has posted some excellent pieces on the manufacturing of an Iran ‘crisis’, on blogging, and a variety of other subjects.

It’s worth checking out.  Guess the writing urge was just too powerful.

Cross-posted at European Tribune.

Update [2005-10-24 7:2:6 by canberra boy]:
Soj has returned to the frontpage at European Tribune with her EuroPDB. Seems I tumbled to her continued on-line existence just as she was about to reveal it!

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