Net Neutrality Vote Thursday
cross-posted from Dembloggers and A Faerie’s Farthing Okay, people. We need to heed Christy’s words and light ’em up. It looks like the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act of...
Read MorePosted by Cedwyn | Jun 20, 2006 |
cross-posted from Dembloggers and A Faerie’s Farthing Okay, people. We need to heed Christy’s words and light ’em up. It looks like the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act of...
Read MorePosted by Cedwyn | Jun 19, 2006 |
Not that I’ve professionally done the first thing with it, but I have a degree in biology, believe it or not. So, naturally, I take a healthy interest in scientific news stories. Given the release of An...
Read MorePosted by Cedwyn | Mar 3, 2006 |
cross-posted from Dembloggers and A Faerie’s Farthing With all the sabre-rattling over Iran, it should come as no surprise that the U.S. is now establishing a special office solely to deal with Iran. But even they...
Read MorePosted by Cedwyn | Feb 18, 2006 |
cross-posted from Dembloggers and A Faerie’s Farthing Flu season may be drawing to a close, but bird flu marches on. After Iraq reported its first cases from northern provinces a few weeks ago, the virus appears to...
Read MorePosted by Cedwyn | Jan 27, 2006 |
Kerry’s Senate floor speech from today: “I am proud to join my friend, the senior Senator from Massachusetts, in taking a stand against this nomination. I know it is an uphill battle. I have heard many of my colleagues. I...
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