Author: citizen k

Malevolent Design

Malevolent Design Duncan Hunter slithers out of the night Jerry Falwell basks in the warm TV light George Bush smirks behind his cold gaze Cheney fangs show he’s waiting for prey Tom Delay coils and shudders in fear The...

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Wiretapping is no big deal

I was furious about the election theft in 2000. I was angry about the WMD lies and the war. I was angry and horrified by Abu Ghraib and the coverup of Bushlag Archipelago. I was angry about a 5 year war on our environment....

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The Ballad of John Kerry

Those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be president of the United States,” John Kerry, 12/16/2003 I feel safer you better feel...

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A mild dissent

The Democrats in Washington who now complain they were fooled had better access to intelligence than did  Scott Ritter and the UN Weapons Inspectors. They had better access than the writers for the Nation Magazine and the...

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