Conspiracy Theories
Stanley Fish in the Times does his usual backstopping of “rational” journalistic convention, using 9-11 “Truthers” as his foils. ‘Just listen to how crazy these left-wing conspiracy people sound....
Read MorePosted by CrapIsKing | Aug 24, 2010 |
Stanley Fish in the Times does his usual backstopping of “rational” journalistic convention, using 9-11 “Truthers” as his foils. ‘Just listen to how crazy these left-wing conspiracy people sound....
Read MorePosted by CrapIsKing | Jul 20, 2010 |
I have no problem with bi-partisanship or even post-partisanship. I think they are lovely ideas, and that it is beneficial to the nation for both parties to find areas of agreement. Although the span of such areas of agreement...
Read MorePosted by CrapIsKing | May 3, 2010 |
Immigration is an anomalous issue. The “left” position is really right, and the “right” position is really left. Both parties publicly espouse positions contrary to many of their most important political...
Read MorePosted by CrapIsKing | Apr 7, 2010 |
Democrats keep bringing reason and logic to a knife fight, and being surprised when they get stabbed repeatedly. They seem to lack an understanding of the ways they can take advantage of the levers of power to do things which...
Read MorePosted by CrapIsKing | Apr 3, 2010 |
To recap: Roughly speaking, I think we have three main political problems in this country: 1) that too many people with a megaphone talk crap; 2) that too many citizens believe crap; and 3) the ratio of crap to non-crap in the...
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