Author: d52boy

Support ‘Democracy Now!’: donations needed

Amy Goodman and her crew at Democracy Now! ( who produce the best alternative news coverage I know of, are seeking donations in cash or kind that will help them acquire needed equipment: video cameras and flat-screen monitors.

There’s an ad about the video cameras on their web site, and Amy mentioned the need for monitors at the very end of her Wednesday broadcast (which I only now have listened to via podcast).

If any of you can help, please email them at, or go via the website.

These are great people, doing fabulous and important work. Please support them if you can.

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Soj, say it ain’t so!

As I write this, only 12 readers have posted comments on Soj’s amazing blog, Flogging the Simian, in response to her announcement that she is hanging up her keyboard. I know everyone’s attention is focused on...

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Gay wedding: Two Canadian soldiers married on base

The Globe and Mail is reporting that two male Canadian soldiers have been married on base. Guess Amurika has some more catching up to do. I vote for health care first, though. Full story to follow.Canadian Forces sees first gay...

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Lin Yutang: The Spirit of Reasonableness

I consider the education of our senses and our emotions rather more important than the education of our ideas. –Lin Yutang (1895-1976), urbane and charming man of letters who spent a lifetime explaining China to the West....

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