Author: danps

Why the Final Nine Weeks Still Matter

Now that the election is over and we can look forward to a new administration on January 20th it is very tempting to be satisfied with counting down the days left in the current one.  Doing so will allow some dangerous...

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Who Needs a President, Anyway?

America was founded and existed for a short time without a president.  As we prepare to elect our next one it may be useful to look back to when we didn’t have one at all, and to the very limited role envisioned for...

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Staying the Course in Guantánamo

Our extranational shadow justice experiment has been a failure on virtually every level.  The clear response would seem to be closing it, but circumstances inside the Beltway may trump the obvious. For more on pruning back...

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The Inconvenient Existence of Abdel al Ghizzawi

A court ruling this week put new pressure on the administration to release seventeen noncombatatants held at Guantánamo.  Their plight, and that of others similarly held, hint at the magnitude of the injustice there...

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