Author: das monde

Peculiar US presidential elections

As all political junkies know, the US president is elected not directly by a citizen vote but by the Electoral College – an archaic original compromise of the Founding Fathers and States. (Yes, we will have a powerful...

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Hyman Minsky on financial crises

Recently, I wrote a diary with one of speculations that speculative markets (such as stock and real estate markets) tend to behave like pyramid schemes at certain stages (like now). The crucial feature is the point when the...

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Is Civilisation A Pyramid Scheme?

This diary originated from a discussion of real estate markets, so we will eventually get to financial matters of today. The sweeping bottom question is: how can an apparently steady growth or progress possibly be halted, or...

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Iraq and Yugoslavia

For once, pro-war LA Times commentator Max Boot put up a reasonable article in his column: Is Iraq turning into Yugoslavia? […] In the former Yugoslavia, as in Iraq, ethnic groups have clashed over the years, but they also...

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