Author: das monde

Peak of conservativism

For one time, let us take Bob Novak seriously. (Despite easy ridicule and nomination for the Misinformer of the year title.) When he talks about conservative problems, he may be trustworthy. He writes in the last column: Control...

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NRO admits the "culture of corruption"

This is something remarkable. The conservative NRO blog has an article which, up to a couple of sentences, would fit as a diary here at dKos. The author Rich Lowry, one of the National Review editors. Here is how the article...

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Torture puzzle

Guess who wrote this: I’m against torture.  [I’ll go] along with some clever manipulation of a suspect’s hopes and fears: But rubber truncheons? Electrodes? Pliers? Razor blades? Blocks of ice? Not in my...

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The Rich Dad and Real Estate bubble

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the famous Rich Dad, Poor Dad book series. He is also a very successful investor in real estate.

Last weekend Kiyosaki appeared on the Foxnews program of Neil Cavuto. Cavuto and his correspondents  were pushing the memo that despite a few strong hurricanes in the last years, people are still eagerly buying real estate along the Atlantic/Caribbean coast. Then Cavuto turned to his guest Kiyosaki. The interview was remarkable. I almost started to write down a transcript. But to save time, I waited for the official Foxnews transcript, which is apparently not coming… So I’m reproducing from memory.

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Who wrote this?

[N]ot a single person who works for him seems to have the honor to leave himself.

[N]one of his staff, no member of his administration, and almost no…official seems to want to hold the president truly accountable for his actions.

[A]re there no honorable men around him? Can his staff and cabinet be lied to without consequence? Is there nothing that will impel them to depart? They need not become vociferous critics of the president. They need not denounce him. A quiet, principled leave-taking would suffice. But it would be refreshing if one of them refused to be complicit any longer in the ongoing lie that is the … White House. Apparently, not one of them is willing to do that.

Personal loyalty is an admirable trait, and so is political loyalty. Up to a point. Government officials work for the nation, not simply for the president. They swear an oath to the Constitution, not to the president. To remain loyal to a president who lies is to make oneself complicit in his lies. To remain loyal to a man who has brought shame to his office is to make oneself complicit in that shame. At some point, blind loyalty must yield to principled honor. When?

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