Author: das monde

Evolution of No-Global-Warming

It is an amazing evolution. First they say that no global warming exists, that the issue must be ignored. Then they ridicule concerns about global warming. Then they fight the science with all political and industrial means. Then they say that global warming exists, but it is not human fault. Then they say our civilization does warm the planet, but now the warming is so strong that we can’t do anything against. Guess what they say now?

You know Mr Patrick Michaels, the Professor Climatologist of the Cato Institute, right? Together with Bjorn Lomborg and MIT’s Richard Lindzen, he is one of the most influential climate change skeptics.

Two months ago, the next day after Katrina hit New Orleans, Patrick Michaels said this:

Even if you gonna warm up the planet – and we are, and I wish I could say we can stop it, but we can’t…

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Two NY Times stories

Amidst the terrible news from Pakistan, there are other remarkable stories. I wish to bring attention to the following two articles from the NY Times of October 10th.

As Polar Ice Turns to Water, Dreams of Treasure Abound

Bush’s Veil Over History

The first article considers environmental and economical implications of the Arctic ice cap melting. This issue was touched at European Tribune a few times.

The second article is written by Kitty Kelley, the author of the book “The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty.” It is about the Executive Order 13233, signed by George W. Bush on November 1st, 2001.

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FEMA the insane

This is a phantasmagoric srew-up by FEMA, mind-boggling.

Stumbling Storm-Aid Effort Put Tons of Ice on Trips to Nowhere

When the definitive story of the confrontation between Hurricane Katrina and the United States government is finally told, one long and tragicomic chapter will have to be reserved for the odyssey of the ice.

Ninety-one thousand tons of ice cubes, that is, intended to cool food, medicine and sweltering victims of the storm. It would cost taxpayers more than $100 million, and most of it would never be delivered.

The somewhat befuddled heroes of the tale will be truckers like Mark Kostinec, who was dropping a load of beef in Canton, Ohio, on Sept. 2 when his dispatcher called with an urgent government job: Pick up 20 tons of ice in Greenville, Pa., and take it to Carthage, Mo., a staging area for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

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A reliable voting method

This is a business proposal, may it be immodest. I tried to patent the idea, but I don’t have patience and experience. So I decided to post it in the “open source” fashion. Importance of reliable counting of...

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Digging for Titanic Europe

This is the cover of the October issue of The American Enterprise journal. Obviously, the main topic is Red America vs Blue Europe. A not-so-subtle insinuation is that the Red Conservatives triumphed in the USA, however narrowly...

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