A cup of coffee in Baghdad
Last night the US Secretary Condoleezza Rice appeared on Foxnews’ O’Reilly Factor. The host was a bit tough, though he did not ask about “No one could have imagined them slamming a plane…”...
Read MorePosted by das monde | Sep 16, 2005 |
Last night the US Secretary Condoleezza Rice appeared on Foxnews’ O’Reilly Factor. The host was a bit tough, though he did not ask about “No one could have imagined them slamming a plane…”...
Read MorePosted by das monde | Sep 8, 2005 |
Newt Gingrich at O’Leilly’s Factor:GINGRICH: [Then] you go off on this – total giving up on government, which I think is just wrong. And I think frankly is un-American. We have a long history in America that...
Read MorePosted by das monde | Sep 3, 2005 |
The conservative National Review Online writes this: Gouge On A defense of gas profiteering. By Jerry Taylor[How] should we ration our limited pool of gasoline? In a free market, scarce goods are typically rationed by price....
Read MorePosted by das monde | Sep 2, 2005 |
Pleace allow to introduce this song, Rolling Stones and George W. Bush! Yo!….. Yo!…… Yo! bring them on Woo Good!…. nu-ku-lar Please allow me to...
Read MorePosted by das monde | Sep 1, 2005 |
Yesterday I commented at dKos the coverage of Katrina by the conservative NRO Corner blog. Their focus was not sensitive, to put it mildly. Today started similarly: SO MAYBE HE DIDN’T PLAY GOLF [Kathryn Jean Lopez] but...
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