Author: dday

The Do-Nothings: Cheaping Out On Our Security

(x-posted at my site) Our current homeland security is a total joke.  Five years after 9/11, after upsurges in terror attacks worldwide, we still refuse to allocate resources where they’re desperately needed....

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The Warbloggers Get Their Next War

(x-posted at my site) Well, while we were sleeping or discussing bogus Fox News articles or Zinedane Zidane’s head butt (all of which are important, DGMW), World War III has broken out, in a region of the world far more...

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Hillary Triangulates Al Gore… wonderful news

I don’t think I’m giving out trade secrets when I say that Hillary Clinton is a tactician.  What she learned from the collapse of her health care plan in 1994 is that she needs to get out in front of issues,...

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Torture: We’ve Lost Ourselves

[Promoted by Chris] The Washington Post editorial board has a question: AT THE SENATE intelligence committee hearing Thursday on Gen. Michael V. Hayden’s nomination to head the CIA, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) asked...

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A Comedian’s Perspective on Stephen Colbert

There have been about 1000 blog posts about Stephen Colbert’s sendup at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, but I think I have something extra to offer because, in some small way, I’ve been there....

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