Author: demondeac

Party Takeover Underway

Below is a tale, its ending unwritten, of a Gate Crasher’s tentative but persistent first steps toward real political power. It’s motivated by the belief that it is time to stop typing about how bad the Dems are and...

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Biden: Worst. Questioner. Ever.

Monday, each Senator had ten minutes to speechify on their views regarding Alito’s confirmation. Yesterday, Senators get 30 minutes each in round one of questioning. Thirty minutes to budget. Thirty minutes to spend on an...

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Gift of the MAGI

Thanks, MAGI (Mad and Grumpy Idiots). Thanks, wingnuts for defending Christmas against the imaginary attacks on it. Today I got my morning cup of coffee in the cafeteria and put the sleeve on it. Still half asleep, it took me a...

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