My Iraqi Friend, UPDATE

I just got off yahoo chat with my friend in Iraq, Intellectual Diva, and she was very excited that some of you folks read her blog:

She has just added a new article today so please go and read it.   This time its about suicide bombers, and what makes them tick, pardon the pun, and I really mean that, but it’s a true word to use so I used it.
Here is a little excerpt of her article:
“”””Kids! Who Wants to Go to Heaven Tonight?!?!
From much of what my American friends say I realize that they are not well informed not only about how things are going in Iraq as far as politics is concerned but also they lack the necessary insights that are sure to produce sound analyses of current issues. Some remarks might be even as simply-put as “how could these groups, Islamic or not, endanger the lives of innocent children just thinking that suicide bombers are going straight to heaven???!!!”
The belief that suicide bombing is a sacred practice, namely “Jihad” springs from the belief that God will soon take care of suicide bombers and reward their honorable deeds, which is fighting foreign invasive forces on their homeland. This promise keeps even the bombers’ parents and loved ones with a deep and overwhelming sense of joy and pride that funerals are more of a celebration that a mourning ceremony; a celebration where loud music is played and fine food is served and the word “congratulations!” is heard echoing in the air.
One recent explosion was later confirmed to have been carried out by a Jordanian “Mujahid”, i.e., one who practices Jihad. His family, friends and fellow-countrymen back in Jordan received the news of their son’s death with cheers and dances and loud music. There was a joyous party instead of a gloomy funeral! They appeared on national televisions worldwide blessing their hero and confirm that God will send him straight to heaven as if they have received a confirm – your – subscription e-mail from God that made them so sure about what they’re saying!”””

Today I told her about this site (Booman)and she has book marked it to check later and I told her we wanted her to join, and she said she may when she goes to Kuwait, next week; she is leaving on Thurs, and I hope you will all join me in prayers for her safe trip.
When I told her that we even discuss books at times, she was really excited about that, so I hope you will add your invitation here for her to join and post on this site. Thanks.

Female Soldier Reporter’s Iraq Blog

The following is an exerpt of an ongoing blog site by:

“”Military Times staff writer Gina Cavallaro and photographer Rick Kozak are in Iraq, covering U.S. military operations. Gina is filing occasional updates to this Web log.””

This is from Army Times, and I thought it might be intesting for you to check out both the site and this blog, as she gives human interest accounts of life as a soldier in Iraq.  There are more reports from her on the Army Times Site, so please go and read them.  You may want to bookmark the site as they often have stories there we don’t see here.

I saw this morning that Ductape Fatwa had posted his diary ‘A US Reservist tells his story’;sid=2005/4/10/61635/0180
today and this may be a companion piece to go along with his diary, so I urge you to read his also.
So here is Gina’s story:

“”In ‘The Wild West,’ troops learn to live with the violence

Baghdad —March 9

Today we were awakened by the monstrous boom of a garbage truck bomb.

And that’s just what it sounded like, too. B-O-O-M!

If you could actually see the shape of sound, you could almost imagine what it would look like: a colossal, bulging orb. The magnitude of it lingers, then slowly disperses through the city blocks until everything goes silent.

Luckily, we didn’t see it and the three people who were killed and dozens who were injured probably wouldn’t describe it as an orb of sound.

It was the start of another day in Baghdad.

Later that morning the TV screen was filled with the images of the bomb’s deep crater near the Al Sadeer Hotel, across the river from the Green Zone, the secured area where the government is —which I’ve heard described many times as “heavily fortified.” That may be true to a certain extent, since you can’t go anywhere in the zone without the right badge for the right type of access. But, in January, two U.S. Embassy workers who probably had every access badge available were killed when a rocket sailed straight into their offices. And that one didn’t even detonate. If it had, it would have taken a lot more people with it.

At Camp Ramadi, in the area west of Baghdad that the troops call “The Wild West,” rockets and mortars strike like booming lightning bolts. There are sandbags and barriers to protect the buildings in which people live and work, but there’s only so much they can do. Nothing is impervious, and the bombs strike at all hours from all angles.

One day recently, during the lunch hour, we heard a BOOM! A rocket — thankfully, a dud — had blasted through three shower trailers above the protective barriers, sailing right past a soldier showering in the middle trailer. It missed him by inches.

At least one soldier was killed on Camp Ramadi when a live rocket exploded directly in front of him in a sandbagged area.

These attacks are what are known as “indirect fire” attacks, in which projectiles are launched from outside the line of sight. From a distance you can hear the launch and then you wait. Where will it impact? Running is futile; you could easily run right into it since you don’t know where it’s going to land. The soldiers have learned to live with it and most figure they will be struck if it is their time to go. Period.

But contact with the enemy for many U.S. troops has been a lot more personal than that. Soldiers will open up and talk about what they’ve seen, what it feels like to shoot someone, to see a dead guy.

Sometimes I wonder about the violence so many young soldiers and Marines have witnessed over here. I know there are reintegration classes, and counseling is available — mandatory in some cases — for everyone. Still, the macabre images of war don’t go away, especially when they are preserved forever on laptop computers, digital cameras, video cameras and memory sticks.

In one unit stationed in north central Iraq, a casual conversation with a group of soldiers in their barracks room turned, as it usually did, to attacks they had survived, people they had killed and death in general.

Mixed in with photos they showed me of their families, pets and motorcycles, were images of headless bodies, heads with no bodies and decomposing bodies, all of it flashing by on their computer screens or cameras as they searched for, say, their unit photo.

They laughed at a photo of one soldier asleep on his bunk bed and using his body armor as a blanket. They talked about the unmistakable sound of a bullet zipping past and teased each other about the looks on their faces when mortars rained down on their building.
During another part of my trip, I talked with a battle-hardened captain who was able to describe the most violent things with the greatest of ease, but grew soft and sad talking about a dead 8-year-old boy at a checkpoint. A group of tankers told me of watching a family burn to death in their car in Baghdad. A 21-year-old Marine, a mechanic, told me of being unable to help a crying woman who came up to him while he was on guard duty, holding her dead baby in her hands. He got all quiet when he told me how pale the baby was, then puffed up a little saying it would be a cool story to tell back home.””””

Coping with Politics;my Dog and Garden

I think we all need a little break from politics so this is a diary about how my dog and my garden help me to cope with the frustration I feel with the political situation, world wide.

Well thanks be to heaven, I have the sweetest female dog named Lady, a bit a mongrel, but beautiful all the same.  When I reach the stress level in my daily life of politics and blogging I take a short break and go outside.  The minute I step outside the door Lady is by my side and follows and watches me everywhere I go.  As I look and inspect my plants she puts her nose in them and sniffs as if to share my pleasure.  
She waits patiently by the gate that separates her from my vegetable garden while I check my strawberries to see if any are ripe yet, knowing when I come out she will get her special petting time.

My plants are my great pleasure in life at this point. I have over 150 container plants,(most of which I started from cuttings)  plus tiny vegetable garden and of course my much prized staghorn ferns.  If you don’t know about staghorns, they grow on boards hanging from the fence or tree or anywhere you want to put them.   They have luscious long fronds that are shaped like horns and thus the name and a shield frond that will eventually wrap around any object they are attached to and in a few years produce baby ferns that build and build as a colony until they can become monstrous,  We had one that measured 4 feet across and 3 feet deep, just filled with dozens of ferns.
Strolling through the plants I stop and inspect each one, at least thirty times a day (have a lot of stress ).  I know the day they first sprouted, the day the first leaves poke thought the soil, the day there flower buds finally burst into bloom, the day the first strawberry turns red, and oh so many more such things that seem to interest only me and not at all the visitors I drag around to have a look.
To me both my dog and my garden are sublime.  They bring me back to earth to enjoy the fruits of it and give me a brief respite from the horrors of the world and  then it’s back into the house and onto the computer and checking Booman to see what comments I have missed.
I want to know how you cope with stress; about your animals or pets and your garden if you have one.

?What isPurpose of Political Forums and Blogs ??

(Updated)Sat April 9, 2005
“”I am adding this update as a response to questions raised by Sirocco where he thought I implied that world stories were worthless on this diary. Let me make it perfectly clear, I do think the world stories are extremely important and perhaps they deserve a special section themselves for easy referral to by members. I so often am not able to remember who wrote what and when and where to find it. But my main point was should we be trying to find ways to take action on these issues. I hope that this makes it a little clearer. I personally have written much about Iraq and the difficulties there, not just from an American perspective, but a world and a personal perspective.

Everyday when I sign on to DK or Booman I am struck by the number of worldwide stories, that outline the horrendous goings on in country after country, from Zimbabwe to Iraq, Us, South America, etc.
 I am wondering what is the point of all of these stories constantly brought to our attention.  How can we possibly take a viable interest in every one of these issues and if we do what can be done about them?

Sure I agree we should be interested in the whole world, but is that diffusing the problems we have in this country and our ability to take effective action (another question in itself).  
What is the purpose of this forum and others like DK, just to endlessly discuss every issue, and then do nothing, take no action, just to know about it and discuss it to death.
I am concerned that we are wasting away the time when perhaps we could be actually doing something, become a force of change.
I am not saying I have the answers, but I am asking the question and perhaps we could discuss our purpose, if we have one, or if we don’t, should we?
I see a parade of subjects come up every day on the recent diary list, and very few comments are made.  The problem for me and why I do not comment on a lot of these diaries is that I simply have nothing to say.  What comment is meaningful to add to news stories and other such articles.  On DK a news item is met with a long list of wows, too bad, this is terrible, etc. ad infinitum.  Not so bad on this site, where much more substantive comments are the rule and not the exception.  
Occasionally one of the topics catches fire and we discuss (or argue) it for days and in the end, what have we done, nothing.
What purpose is this serving except to take up a lot of time for a lot of people that is not doing one damn thing to change anything, just over informing all of us.
I personally think we need to narrow down our focus a bit and limit it to things we may possibly be able to change and start to figure out just what we might be able to do.  
Right now the issues presented are scattered over the entire world and no action that I can see is being taken or even asked for, except for a few petitions here and there, a few letters written to media and newspapers and Congress.
So I am asking, “What you think about this; our purpose, the purpose of forums and blogs in general and what changes we could make that would make us (blog world) productive and effective and not just a big political chat room?
Lets talk!

Join the debate with a Neocon

I and others have been having a little debate with a blogger named “Another perspective” an avowed Neocon and he has brought up issues in another post that I think we would all like to discuss with him and he is willing to engage in this debate. He has given me permission to post his comment.

This was lifted from the Gannon Gukert diary yesterday :

and several other posters had engaged with him on these issues and then this morning I wrote a post and he responded.  So I am just going to post my comment, then his response and invite you all to discuss and inform each other.
My Comment:

“I have a question? did you watch the unfolding of the Gannon story as it happened on DK and americablog etc.

I think you have this all wrong though it may appear to be the way you are assessing.

We just came off a long and frustrating presidential campaign, that was filled with all kinds of problems from voter fraud to Swift Boat veterans for untruth.

Our candidate (and candidates) was pounded relentlessly in the media all during that period, with the most emphasis paid to Swift Boat stories, flip, flopping, he said this, and he said that reg.Kerry, etc.  Purple band aids were even handed out at the Rep. Campaign.  You know the story.

This pounding and smearing continued after the election and then we had to deal with a fraudulent election, yes a fraudulent election, see Black Box voting for details.

Everywhere we turned Republicans were gloating, said you lost, your done, get over it you lost, and continued smearing our representative and us.

We could not even feel truly safe from attack even in the white house press conference, and we noticed when this guy got to ask his loaded question.

We took notice and sought to find out about this guy and why he was able to even ask such a question with such a biased premise.  “Divorced from reality,” was the last straw in a long series of unfair misrepresentations of the Dem side.

Because we feel that Bush and Co. are the ones divorced from reality and cannot for one second understand how everyone does not see that.  Yet here someone in the press conference with the President is asking this most unprofessional question, that is once again casting Dems in a bad light and this is the Presidents Press Conference.

I don’t think anyone following this story ever expected that the story would turn out this way, but it did.  WE did not go looking for a sex connection, it was already there.

We found this pretty suspicious that someone with such a checkered past, and  no history of journalism, no established newspaper or outlet behind him, could in these times of greatest security surrounding the President and every move he makes, even be within 10 miles of the Pres.

We mobilized in the effort to turn the stone over on the story and find the bugs beneath, many of us did endless hours of research to find the truth.  We organized and formed a group just to deal with this issue.  Thousands and thousands of hours of research went into this. and a new blog was born.

So this story is not about Jeff Gannon and sex, this story is about what the hell is going on in the White House that could even allow this man to have access to the President.  Especially in light of the fact that Dems. could not even get into Bush town Hall meetings, during campaign.

We think we are fighting to save this country (and the world)and the american people from the gross ineptitude of this whole administration.  We cannot understand why Republicans do not see these things as problems and continue to support a President who clearly in his public representation has no clue.  Sure he can read prepared speeches, but can he speak without a written speech, we have found over and over that he cannot.

So I ask you, how you can support such a man.”

Another Perspective’s response:

“There was plenty to which I intended to respond as I was reading that litany, but you made it quite simple in the end.

“”We cannot understand why Republicans do not see these things as problems and continue to support a President who clearly in his public representation has no clue. Sure he can read prepared speeches, but can he speak without a written speech, we have found over and over that he cannot.””

(So I ask you, how you can support such a man.), my comment in post.(editor note)

Quite simply: because I’ve met the man, I’ve had a discussion with him about his stand on some issues, and he expressed it just fine for me.  He’s not dumb, he just doesn’t know how to handle himself in front of a camera for some reason.

Now, on the Gannon thing, yeah, I did follow a lot of it as it was unfolding.  And again, I think you’ve shown a lot of smoke, but no fire aside from personal attacks on the guy.  I still want to know what qualifies someone for a job in journalism.

I want to know how you think the media was attacking Kerry by reporting on the Swift Boat Veterans, but not once asking him why he would not sign a form 180, and allowing him to say “my military records have been released,” when to this very day they still have not been.

I want to know what you think of that in comparison with a 60 minutes report that released FALSIFIED DOCUMENTS and then had its anchor say “well, that’s ok because we were getting at the truth anyway.”  Whatever you think of the Swifties, they didn’t falsify evidence, or reproduce the falsified evidence created by others.

You were upset by the fact that someone in the White House Press Room asked a biased question–that’s fine.  So where was the outrage when the same thing happened again a few weeks later?  What am I talking about?  Read this.

You see, the Kossacks (and apparently a lot of people on this site) don’t care about the principle of it, as you made clear with the direction of your questions for me.  You care about bringing down the President, and anyone who isn’t working for that is an enemy.

I want to know, why aren’t you bothered that Kerry had his discharge status changed by Carter, after he was elected to the Senate?  And that he promised to sign that form, and still hasn’t done so, despite the fact that every single Swiftie who served in Vietnam has done so?

Because, whether you want to face it or not, you’re partisans.  You won’t criticize your guy, because Bush is the prime enemy.  I understand that—a unified line is a strong thing.  But don’t try to pretend this is about principle.

When you find some evidence of a White House patron, then we’ll talk.  Until then, this is a guy who had a shady past, and made a concerted effort to clean it up.  He was very successful, and went far quickly.  And your only objection is that he’s on the opposite side of the aisle.

One more thing, and then I have to run to class: what would have happened if a liberal had asked a tough question of the President (something like Elizabeth’s in the link above), the Right had investigated and found out that he was gay and used to be an escort, and the White House had banned him from the Press Room?

Quite simply: the ACLU would be all over it, and Kossacks would use it as evidence of a bias against homosexuals. But when the kossacks do it, it’s principled, right?”

So debate away.

Blogging; Clothing, Families, Ailments, other(Poll)

How do you dress when you blog,  Where are you mostly located when you blog?  How does your family feel about your blogging, do they think you do it too much?
Do you have any ailments that make it harder to blog.
How emotional do you get when you blog?
Or add anything else you want to say about blogging and how it affects you.

I mostly wear regular clothes, except that my computer is in my bedroom so I could be dressed in anything actually.
I have back problems which affect my neck, arm and shoulder especially, so I have a lot of pain while blogging.
My family thinks I am a little off over this, obsessive maybe and don’t understand what I am talking about when I describe different situations occurring on blogs.
I have all the range of emotions when I blog.

How about you?  Also put in the location you are in and the weather if you want.

Is Schiavo case fracturing both parties?UPDATED

Update [2005-3-27 13:20:39 by diane101]:
Based on ongoing discussions regarding Galiel and with Galiel; and comments I made regarding him posting in this diary, I have apologized to him for pre-judging him, posted a response to his comment that I wish I would have done before, and invited him here to continue this particular discussion if he wishes and any others as well who wish to join in.

Original Diary
I am a little hesitant tackeling this subject but I really want to discuss it from the perspective of what I see happening within each party, that I think is worth discussing.
This is my take based on my observation that this issue is dividing each party within itself.
The Republicans are taking the position that Terri must be helped, her life must be saved, she is worth saving at all costs, the court results are wrong, etc.  

The Democrats are saying, the court has decided, the law should be followed, the congress should not have become involved, and the Reps are using this as a voting wedge, usurping power, etc.  You know the story.

Problem is within each party there are those that don’t totally agree with the popular opinion and they are being pounced on by their own side for not following the pack.
I have seen this on blogs from both sides and it is apparent on the cable shows as well.
Now each side is really intolerant of their own people on this issue like few other issues have done and simply will not stand for any other views.
What does the stray dog do when their home does not welcome them anymore; they try to find a new home.  But where?  2 new parties maybe;  Republican and Republicant,  Democrat and Democrit?  Certainly this issue can’t make one slide all the way to the other side can it”  
Even though I am leaning a little toward the right on the issue with certain caveats, I still would not go all the way over there.  But I am certainly disappointed in my party for being so intolerant of different views within.  I also wonder how many will really be pushed all the way over.
So I’m asking, what do you think, not about the Shiavo case per se but the hypothesis I have put forth above.  I don’t want to see a war here on this site so lets restrict the discussion to that, ok, if you don’t mind.

What are your Favorite topics to discuss?

It’s Saturday night and the site is pretty dead, so how about we have a discussion of our favorite topics we like to discuss.
I’ll start it off with my list:
Iraq, and the people there, because I have a friend there.
Iraq and the war affects on the soldiers, because I care about them and what will happen when they come home.
I also care about how they are treated in medical system and in general.
Iraq Torture or torture in as a policy, and why isn’t someone held accountable for it and if it has stopped
I also like diaries that invite comments of personal stories or experiences.
Ways to convert the Repubs to our side.

What’s on your list and why?  

Bye the way who thinks this is the best blog ever and why?
I am sending out three cheers to Booman.

When and How you became a Liberal(poll)

I first knew I was a liberal during the Clinton years, before that I thought I was an Independant.
I had not paid too much attention to politics till those years, and when I saw that amazing man come on the scene, I was thrilled, but still saw myself as independant.
Then as the times passed (it didn’t take too long at all) and as the attacks began in earnest, I started to really pay attention.
I was frankly disgusted with all of it, all that went on for the entire 8 years and still continues to this day, somewhere, someplace.

As I saw his friends and business partners, everyone connected to him held under suspicion of one kind or another, conspiracy theories bouncing everywhere, I knew I was no longer an independant.
I had to align myself with the Democrats.  They seemed the most sane, the most balanced, the most concerned about their fellow man and the least vindictive and obstructive.
The impeachment proceedings further cemented my postion as I watched in horror that sad day in our nations history.
That is when I first began to see the Republicans, not as the party of the people as I was told as a young child in the 50’s, by my very republican family, but as a active, living, breathing, dragon that was not looking out for the best interests of this country or of me as an individual.
Then the Bush years, well that speaks for itself, doesn’t it.
Well there’s a lot more to this story but I’d like to hear yours.  When did you first know you were a Liberal and why.

Bush, Contractor General (poll)

I was inspired to write this diary after reading a comment by Mentaldebris in  “Tough one from Zogby’s latest online poll.”        
“I’d also vote off where Cheney was born. Not the state or the city, but the actual spot. For while Bush may be the foreman of the destruction, IMO, Cheney is the architect.”

I don’t see Cheney so much as the architect of the “destruction” as much as a member of the design team which included Rice, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Feith, Gonzales and (fill in your own choices here) with Bush as the General Contractor.

Not the great general contractor that finishes the job on time with excellent results, but rather the kind that destroys the driveway and landscaping just to get to the job, destroys surrounding rooms to get to the room needing the work, destroys the room itself to fix it, leaves it that way and then says, “What do you mean, “bad job”, I brought you the freedom to see the mess, congratulate me for a job well done.”
Then he gives awards to the members of the design team, gets elected to the CEO of the Board of Contractors for a second term, for which he reshuffles his design team, promotes design team assistants to head their own teams and then heads to his ranch for a nice vacation while patting himself on the back for being a great Contractor General and makes plans for expanding his business to all the countries of the world.
He prints business cards with the slogan “No Country too small, we do them all,” and then sends them out with a mass mailing to the world.
When the countries respond by asking for references, he points to incomplete and shoddily done work and says, “You too can have the same kind of work done in your country, ‘what you say no’, well sorry, I’m doing the job anyway, my contract comes from God, and then even though you did not know you needed it, I will have built for you too the freedom to see the mess.”

What say you?  How would you put it?