Author: eastcoastmoderate

Ned Lamont’s raging hypocrisy

Earlier this week, Ned Lamont criticized Joe Lieberman for publicly speaking out on the Senate floor about Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Here is what Ned said. “You don’t go to the floor of the...

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Richard Armitage, a treasonous man!!!

Richard Armitage has now come out and said that he was the man who leaked Valerie Plame Wilson’s name to Robert Novak, causing her career to come to a halt, and start the Patrick Fitzgerald investigation. Armitage says he...

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Alan Dershowitz supports John Bolton

Recently, the Washington Times ran an op-ed by Alan Dershowitz explaining why he supports John Bolton. If you want to read the article, go to; I have only one comment to make...

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Anti Jewish rants on

Some Anti-Jewish rants were recently plastered up on the liberal website, according to the NY Post. Slurs such as the following were on the site before being taken down by Moveon. “Media owning Jewish...

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