Author: eastcoastmoderate

Hillary NOT running for president??

According to the British Sunday Times, friends of Hillary are whispering in her ear NOT to run for president, and concentrate on taking Harry Reid’s job as leader of the Senate in 2009. What do you think folks?? It is...

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Hezbollah will attack Israel again

When the cease fire was announced, ending the war between Israel and Hezbollah, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The fighting was over, the bombings of civilians was over, and the killings were over. But I put this question...

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Joe Lieberman, a man needlessly slimed

When Joe Lieberman had a challenger for his Senate seat, I thought at the time it was going to be no big deal. Lieberman was ahead by 40 gazillion points, and who in the world knew who Ned Lamont was. Well, after getting slimed...

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Rumsfeld must resign, and NOW!!!

I saw most of Donald Rumsfeld’s speech the other day at the American Legion, and while it may have gone over well with them, it went over like a lead balloon in the real world. First off, Rumsfeld called over 60% of...

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