Bill Kristol, Pardon Libby now, it would be fantastic.

Bill Kristol was on the Foxnews version of a roundtable discussion this morning. You know the one where the conservatives act like a bunch of pompous jackasses, and the supposed liberals really don’t get a chance to speak out. Anyways, Kristol said that President Bush should pardon Scooter Libby, and do it now, adding that it would be fantastic if he did so.

Libby, according to Kristol, is the “victim of an out of control prosecutor”, and Bush should pardon Libby to show just how out of control Patrick Fitzgerald really is. Libby is accused of obstruction of justice, making false statements to a grand jury, and perjury.

Looks like Kristol ought to control his out of control mouth.
Think progress has video if you want to watch it.

Hezbollah will attack Israel again

When the cease fire was announced, ending the war between Israel and Hezbollah, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The fighting was over, the bombings of civilians was over, and the killings were over. But I put this question to all the readers out there. How long will it be before Hezbollah decides the time is right to again kidnap some Israeli soldiers, or worse yet, start lobbing more rockets into northern Israel? Well, the day is coming again where it will happen.

Just because the fighting has stopped for now, don’t think for one minute that Hasan Nasrallah, and his cutthroat band of terrorists aren’t planning and plotting.  I know that all wars are terrible, and it should be used as a last resort, but Israel should have been allowed to finish the job.
Hezbollah started this little war, and they have not payed a high price for it. The Lebanese people have, not Hezbollah. We all know both Iran and Syria will find ways to rearm Hezbollah. The Lebanese army isn’t going to disarm Hezbollah. The 15,000 UN peacekeepers certainly aren’t going to do it. If they aren’t who is?? For the security and safety of Israel, and for the safety of the region, Hezbollah must be disarmed, and the 3 kidnapped Israeli soldiers must be returned. To do less would invite the same thing to happen all over again.

If you think that it was bad the first time, just think how bad it will be the second time around. Unless Hezbollah is disarmed, it will happen again, GUARENTEED!!!

Joe Lieberman, a man needlessly slimed

When Joe Lieberman had a challenger for his Senate seat, I thought at the time it was going to be no big deal. Lieberman was ahead by 40 gazillion points, and who in the world knew who Ned Lamont was. Well, after getting slimed by the left wing blogs, and having his record lied about, and Lamont winning the race, Joe Lieberman finds himself in the fight of his life, and I, for one, will be right there to back him 100%

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat. Anyone who doesn’t think Lieberman is a soild Democrat, is just fooling himself. According to the Almanac of American politics, Lieberman has a solid, if not spectactular liberal rating record of 82% That is higher than Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, Joe Biden, Mary Landrieu, and others, so that stale arguement of Lieberman being a Republican has been blown right out the window.
Yes, Lieberman voted for the war, but so did 24 other Democrats, including the Democratic presidential candidate in 2004 himself, John Kerry. The only thing Lieberman hasn’t done, is gone back on his word like every other Democrat. He hasn’t flipped-flopped on this issue, because he firmly believes that going into Iraq was the right thing to do.

And for all his loyalty to the party, he has been slimed beyond the pale from people like David Sirota, Russ Feingold, Howard Dean, (Who’s brother is one of Lamont’s supporters), Jane Hamsher, (who disgustingly painted Lieberman in blackface, and to this day, has not apologized for it), Markos Moulitsos, Chris Bowers, Arianna Huffington, and others, simply for supporting the war.

For all the talk about how Democrats are the “big tent” party, it, sadly, is not!!! They claim to preach tolerence for dissent, but talk a different game. Joe Lieberman was Al Gore’s running mate in the 2004 election, and two short years later, they are ready to roast him on a spit, and drive him out of the party. No wonder Lieberman is running towards the Republicans. The Democrats elites have made it quite clear, they have no love for a perceived “turncoat”. But I argue that liberals drove Lieberman out of the party, not the other way around.

Joe Lieberman is a solid moderate Democrat, just like I am. Their malicious attitiude, and attacks towards him, and others who don’t subscribe to the liberal way of thinking, simply amazes me.  If the Democrats are truly the party of FDR, Truman, Kennedy and Clinton, they should embrace differing views. But sadly, the Democrats are acting like Republicans. No wonder America is fed up, and doesn’t vote like it should. George Bush is the enemy, not Joe Lieberman, and the sooner the Democrats realize that, the better off they will be.

Rumsfeld must resign, and NOW!!!

I saw most of Donald Rumsfeld’s speech the other day at the American Legion, and while it may have gone over well with them, it went over like a lead balloon in the real world.

First off, Rumsfeld called over 60% of Americans “appeasers”. These are people against the war, and are very upset at the fact that George Bush has killed over 2600 Americans without just cause. This is a grave insult to not only them, but to all people who have the right to protest what they think are absurd policies.

According to Rumsfeld, if you don’t like what we’re doing, tough **. You can’t be against us, so sit there, shut the hell up, and bow down to the king, and make sure to kiss his ring finger when he passes your way.
This is the height of arrogance. Did the neo-cons sit there, and shut up over the Balkins, Somalia?? Hell no. Some wanted Bill Clinton impeached over his military plans. I remember people like Bob Dornan, Jack Kingston, Duncan Hunter, and others, roasting Clinton for leading our soldiers into a “death trap”.

Donald Rumsfeld has so screwed up Iraq, their is no other recourse for him but to resign. His 17th century thinking has cost us dearly. He is too inflexable to admit his mistakes, and come up with a new gameplan. Iraq is in a civil war, and the carnage will continue dispite our soldiers efforts to save the country. Rumsfeld has served his president, and the country very badly. For the good of the country, and this inept administration, Rumsfeld must step aside, and Bush must put someone who knows what the hell he’s doing. Then after Rumsfeld goes, Bush should follow him out the door. But that’s for another day, and another blog.