Author: emmajoe

Post Editor discusses CIA Leak Case Online

This morning at 10:00 am EST, the Executive Editor of the Washington Post, Leonard Downie Jr., was on-line fielding questions about Bob Woodward’s source and the CIA leak case in general. Here is the link to the story:...

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Rove Aide Appears Before Fitz

[From the diaries by susanhu. This is a big catch by Emmajoe. Back in August, I wrote “Stakeout at the “CIA Leak” Grand Jury,” in good part about Susan Ralston’s history with Rove et al., and it was...

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Different Subpoena for Miller than for Cooper: Why?

I recall this being discussed some time ago, but there is so much analysis out there now, I can’t find reference to it. So I’ll post it for discussion.

Having read in detail everything on Fitz’s new website, I was struck by the differences in the subpoenas issued to Cooper and Time versus the one issued to Judith Miller and the NY Times. See below for the difference (I’ve bolded the relevant part included in Miller’s subpeona that was NOT included in Cooper’s and I wonder what it may mean…)

From the document Brief of the United States, Appellee, found on Fitz’s new website.

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Federal Grand Jurors – Our Last Hope?

I have been wondering about the Grand Jurors in the CIA Leak investigation. I mean, we constantly hear about Fitzgerald, but there are also 23 other people in that room with him as well. Are they sequestered? No. Each of them can go home at night and do whatever it is that they do. What if they read BooTrib or DailyKos or The Next Hoorah on occasion? What if they came across information related to the case they are involved in? Can they do anything about it?


According to what I have read in the Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors, these Jurors have a considerable amount of power. See the bolded part of the snip from the Handbook:

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