Author: Frank Schnittger

The gloves are off

The UK government has requested an extension of the A.50 notification period until June 30th. This creates the awkward situation whereby the UK is still a member of the EU on the 23rd. May, when all members are legally obliged...

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People playing games

It was Karl Marx who observed that “history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce”. Clearly we are reaching the farcical stages of the Brexit Greek tragedy. Just yesterday the Brexit...

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Cox’s Codpiece

After the debacle of David Davis’s no show in Brussels, Dominic Raab’s token appearance as a Brexiteer Brexit secretary not actually in charge of any negotiation, and Stephan Barkley’s convincing impersonation...

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Britain blinks first

Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage: The joke is on them Part of the Brexiteer mythology is that the EU is made up of incompetent and unprincipled bureaucrats who can be counted on to come grovelling for a compromise even if only...

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