Author: froggywomp

Admiral William Fallon resigns

William Fallon, the commander responsible for the Middle East region, announced his resignation. He had recently been profiled by Esquire as an independent voice in the military and notably told Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak...

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The Conservative Media

A post of Josh Marshall’s crystallized an idea in my head today–the media, or large segments thereof, really has gotten pretty conservative.  Marshall wrote about Mort Kondrake’s column in Roll Call that...

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murmurs of an anti-Bush amendment?

Time reports that unnamed Senators are considering a constitutional amendment to limit presidential powers: Bush’s claims of wartime license are so great–the White House and Justice Department have argued that the...

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Froomkin on Star Wars and Bush

Crossposted from dKos Today’s White House Briefing is a doozy–don’t miss it.  Dan Froomkin goes in depth on the parallels between what is sure to be one of the biggest movies of the summer–Star Wars...

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