Author: furryjester

Primary Day is Tomorrow

Primary day is tomorrow, and I’m a little bit nervous.  It should be a fairly low pressure day for me because, as precinct captain, all I really have to do is be a presence at the polls and recruit volunteers out of...

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It’s the intimidation, stupid

Crossposted at my blog, Secondhand Sun. Remember how, immediately after September 11th, 2001, airline security was suddenly a lot tighter, and everyone was glad? “I’m just happy they’re there to protect...

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Fighting for Women’s Rights: an Idea

So I’ve been thinking, in the wake of South Dakota, about ways to make the Democratic Party understand that we, we women, we activists, we Democrats, are serious about women’s rights and that we expect them to stand...

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Mardi Gras Maybes

Crossposted at Dailykos Mardi Gras is on my mind this weekend.  This afternoon, I tried to explain it to my friend’s two-and-a-half year old.  I don’t think she understood.  She’s never seen a...

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