Author: ghostdancers way

I don’t know where I am going next

But I do know that I won’t go through the pain I experienced in 1972 and 1973, when those boys came home broken and damaged.  I will not allow anyone the chance to call them baby killers, murderers and the like, not again.  Yes they chose to serve, yes they were forced to go into a war that is illegal and immoral.  I am sure there will be those who enjoy killing as in all wars, whether American soldiers or any other soldiers in the world.  But to place the derisive term killer on every soldier, marine, airmen or sailor is wrong in my humble estimation.

Brenda was there, as were some others who post on this site,  working on those broken men and boys, so was I and it profoundly changed me as a human being.  Yes Brinn I am over the top and this is the reason why I have gone over the top.  Until such time as you have seen a man physically mutilated from a war that was not of his choice to participate in and to watch him slowly die before your eyes, none of you will know the horrors these men have faced and will continue to face when they return.  

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America is my home; I will fight to make it better


This constant bashing of the military and america is evil and americans are evil is way to much for me right now. See you later.

I need to get away from here before I cross that line of becoming a prick.
This constant bashing of the military and America and particularly this every American is evil is to much for me.

I simply refuse to allow myself to become a prick and if I keep reading this horseshit I will cross that line and destroy something I respect.

see you all around the campus sometime in the near future.

I will admit that I have aggressively defended my family, my friends and my country in some of the diaries I posted comments within over the last few days.  I am not an apologist for my nation, I am will not be labeled as an American purist or a Bushco sympathizer.  My country is in the throes of a fascist takeover, perpetuated by the PNACers, which want nothing more than to make the rest of the world subservient to the US and its policies.  I despise these fascists and have fought within every legal means I know to prevent and mitigate their destruction of my nation and its constitution.  I am going to offer you a little background as to why I am so vehemently opposed to blanket statements that paint all people with the same broad strokes as being lazy, stupid, ignorant, criminal or willfully negligent.

Having had the dishonor of growing up in a home that espoused a distinctly KKK aroma of hatred and disrespect for anyone who was not an WASP, who hated jews, blacks, hispanics, catholics, indians and all the other sub human species of the human race, I was quickly indoctrinated that I was unworthy because my mother was part native american.

As I grew up and became more acquainted with drugs and alcohol, I also became an equal opportunity bigot; I hated everyone equally and used racial slanders as a mighty weapon.  I willfully went out of my way to start fights with anyone whom I felt was less than me and that was everyone because I had such a fever to prove that I was one of the superior humans on this planet.  

More below the fold


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Do we walk alone?

I have felt desperation and despair for many days now as I have watched the incompetence and immorality of the current administration. It’s callous disregard for the American citizens that have died and suffered due only...

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