Author: gilgamesh

Catholic Devolution on Evolution

The Catholic Church’s actual stance with regard to the scientific fact of the existence of the evolution of living orgamisms by random mutations followed by natural selection, contrary to popular interpretations, has never...

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Another Operation Gladio in Italy?

An absolutley incredible story involving the existence of a “shadow” police force and intelligence agency organized privately with the goals of gathering intelligence on, among others, the regular Italian police and...

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Bush, Berlusconi Most Hated by Germans

A new poll conducted by the German demoscopic institute “Allensbach” has some  very interesting information about the attitutes and perceptions of modern Germans towards current world leaders. How much has...

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Is Democracy Mathematically Impossible?

While I was rummaging through the science and philosophy magazines literally hanging off the sides of the bookshelves in my bedroom/office, I found this old gem of article from an Italian popular science magazine called...

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So, What’s So Great about YOUR Nation?

This is the counter-thread which I promised to set up in order to counterbalance the very interesting and useful contributions and discussion on my other thread which asked about the “crimes, defects, etc.” of the...

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