Author: GUBula

Is it time to work the body?

It seems to me that whatever gains are to be had from attacking Trump in this election have already come to fruition. Right now, it is quite set in stone that Trump is an erratic, incompetent bigot; and whoever still supports...

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Bad Religion

 I have been staring aghast at the undilluted hateful pettyness of the american “religious right” (which is neither) and wondering how religious sentiment can be so perverted. Maybe modernity has something to do...

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Veepin’ it real

Recently, there has been buzz about Trump picking Bob Corker for VP; and about Clinton picking Elizabeth Warren. Also, the Libertarian convention is coming up soon; so I think this is a good time to speculate on possible VP...

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The Clinton Campaign can only die by suicide

Bernie Sanders’ campaign has been nothing short of amazing. Whatever else happens, it has forced Clinton to the left, activated a new generation of activists, given a boost of power to progressive democrats in the senate...

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