Author: Jerome a Paris

Tribbers and their children – happy times

This diary started with a desire to flag tiggers thotful spot‘s diary about increasing infant mortality in the US over at dKos. I also read Ductape Fatwa haunting diary : They passed the babies forward, about the NOLA refugees desperate attempts to make sure that at least their children would get out.

But then I thought: why focus (yet again?) on the bad news? Let’s maybe look at the bright side of this: parents’ love for their children, and their desire to want the best for them.

I don’t know how many tribbers are parents, I suspect a majority (take the poll below and we’ll maybe have a better idea), which means that such tragic news or stories resonate immediately for many of us. Today, however, I’d like us to bring out some happy stories.

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the end of oil – the best kept secret?

As some of you may have followed, I have been trying to build up a manifesto for an energy policy for the Dems (see this diary: Building together an effective Dem energy policy (I) ). There will be more, which makes more sense to continue over at dKos. But I thought it would be worthwhile to come back to basics, and write once again about “peak oil”.

The occasion to do this is an excellent 10-page article published this week-end in Le Monde, France’s equivalent to the NYT, where they introduce peak oil to their readers. Amongst the highlights:

  • Saudi Arabia “does not have the capacity to produce 15 mb/d” says Aramco’s n°2;

  • oil sands will never produce more than 5 mb/d, if that

  • Total’s CEO said “peak oil will be no later than 2025, and only if we have a demand crisis

And this graph:

Ready for an introduction or a refresher? Jump in.

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