An Iraq Vet You Can HELP! [Updated]

Cross Posted In Comments At This: KOS Diary

And Cindy’s KOS Diary: Open Letter To George Bush

Military Project-G.I. Special

“What is it that you and the commanders who imprisoned him are so afraid of? Because they have known from the beginning that he speaks the truth and my husband’s voice is a powerful voice. They should be afraid  you should be afraid – very, very afraid.” Monica Benderman

November 21, 2005 Kevin and Monica Benderman,

Open Letter to George Bush from Kevin Benderman November 20, 2004 followed by Open Letter to George Bush One Year Later By Monica Benderman

Monica Benderman is the wife of Sgt. Kevin Benderman, Prisoner of Conscience, serving a 15 month sentence at Ft. Lewis Correctional Facility, for speaking out against war, and for daring to tell the Truth.

Updated with the following:

A Thanksgiving letter to G.I. Special from Monica Below this, and a response to LookingUp who asked the following:

Jim, would you be a little more specific (4.00 / 3)

about what we can do?
I could go visit the website (have before, a while back), but I opened this diary expecting to learn something that could be done.


Will be found near bottom, after Letters and above my Sig!

“For All Of The Soldiers Who Have Died”

From: Monica Benderman

To: GI Special

Sent: November 24, 2005

For all of the soldiers who have died at the hands of these people — for all of the soldiers who suffer irreparable wounds, internal and external, because these people don’t care about anyone except themselves — Kevin has faced everything that he has – and it’s time for these people to pay the piper.

With the letter to Bush that Kevin sent last November [see below], he clearly told Bush and his commanders what he intended to do. He said no more — that one letter was all he needed.

On December 22, 2004, I clearly told the American people what they were allowing these people to do to our soldiers and their families in an Open Letter to Our Leaders. [See below.] There was nothing more that needed to be said. Words weren’t going to do it — actions were.

We spent one year silently taking everything they could throw at us, because of those two letters – and we documented everything – sworn statements, testimonies that contradicted each other, counseling statements that were meant to shut Kevin up, legal motions filed that were designed to keep Kevin’s voice from being heard in the court room — the year is over -and now they will face what they did.

We believe we have all the evidence we need, and we hope the BendermanTimeline website will serve as the showcase for what we have to say.

Thank you for supporting us – and for staying connected. Lots of people, because we didn’t openly speak out, thought we didn’t know, and thought we couldn’t see. We saw — but it’s faith in what isn’t seen, and trust in what cannot be said, that brings the best results.

Hopefully we will accomplish what we set out to do when we started.

If we do – it will make everything we have been through worth something for the sacrifice. And — it should be what brings Kevin home — soon.

Thanks again.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Monica and Kevin Benderman

Kevin and Monica Benderman
(Photo Credit: Lewis M. Levine, distributed by

Three Direct Ways You Can Support
Kevin Benderman


November 20, 2004

To: George W. Bush

From: SGT Kevin M. Benderman

When are you going to tell the truth to the people of the United States?

Why don’t you tell them why you want to be in Iraq so bad?

I was there for six months and I did not see the first weapon of mass destruction. I did receive orders from the company commander to shoot children if they threw small rocks at us and that was when I figured out that the entire thing was way over the line.

Over 1200 soldiers have died in Iraq so that you can have a couple billion more dollars, that should make you feel very good about yourself.

The soldiers that have died for this sham that you have put over on the American people are so much more deserving than that. You are not worth the dust off of their boots.

If you truly had respect for the military and the people that serve then you would not continue to kill them in your war.

I joined the Army to protect my country and not to be a mercenary for a political despot.

If you wish to put me in prison because of my views then you should make room for about 75% of the military.

And while you are at make some room for yourself and about half of your administration. You are responsible for what happened at Abu Gharaib and you are shirking your responsibility.

The commander in chief is not above the UCMJ, as you would like to believe.

I want to fulfill my contract that says I joined the Army to protect my country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and as far as I am concerned you are a domestic enemy of the United States.

You care nothing for this country; you just care about the profits that are to be made from the oil in Iraq. That much is evident to me from the way the contracts were passed out to Halliburton and KBR. It must be nice to have the deck stacked in your favor by the president of the USA.

Since your are raising the debt ceiling of America so that we can pay the bills that you have run up, why don’t you forgive the debts of every one in the armed forces since they are the ones that are making it possible for you to make billions from the oil from Iraq.


SGT Kevin M. Benderman

“My Husband Will Not Be Silenced For He Speaks The Truth, And It Is Coming For You”

By Monica Benderman

Dear Mr. Bush:

Over one year ago, my husband showed the integrity of a true leader by facing everything he had committed to for you, in the name of well, first there was national security, then it was freedom from tyranny for the Iraqis, then it was terrorism, then it was freedom for the American people, and what is it now????

Don’t worry we know. It hasn’t changed. First it was oil, then it was saving face for a president who has never faced responsibility for his actions EVER.

But now, you are a president who has nowhere left to hide you’ve seen for yourself, the doors are locked you cannot escape us.

You and your army of commanders could not allow my husband to have his voice you actually thought you could control him and the TRUTH he had to speak. You put him in prison, and thought you could take him away from me. You dared to believe we would go away quietly and leave you to your war.

Your army cannot control him, because the Truth will not hide. And the commitment my husband made to defend the constitution, to keep his soldiers safe and to defend his home and his family has a depth of integrity you will never understand.

Your doors are locking around you, Sir. And the jail cell that you put my husband in the prison that confines all of our soldiers this war and the horrific actions you have asked them to commit in our country’s name their doors are opening. I hope you feel every moment of this and, Sir, I hope you know it comes from Kevin and me.

For over a year, my husband, Sgt . Kevin Benderman took everything the military could pound him with, and walked tall, held his head high knowing the day would come when the “Truth would set him free.”

I walk every step with him, Sir not to hold him up when his drugged stupor wears off, no, Sir I walk proudly by my husband’s side, because I know the leader that he is, and I know the strength that he has.

It is an honor, Sir to stand by his side and help him build his case against you, and all of those who have dared to disrespect him.

What is it that you and the commanders who imprisoned him are so afraid of?

Why was it that they were so willing to commit crimes, to tell lies and to manipulate evidence in my husband’s case?

Because they have known from the beginning that he speaks the truth and my husband’s voice is a powerful voice. They should be afraid you should be afraid – very, very afraid.

You dared to use this country to give yourself a place in history. You dared to use my husband’s integrity, his honor and his commitment to duty, and thought that his dignity could somehow serve to make you great.

You were wrong, Sir.

One year ago, my husband told the world what he knew to be true. Attorneys -advisors told him it would be difficult to prove. Kevin and I knew better and I stood beside him knowing we would face what you and your commanders would try to do, together, and in time, YOU would prove what he already knew. That is what happens with the Truth. He knew this because he lives this a powerful man.

You, Sir wouldn’t know the truth if it looked you in the eye. AHHH… I’m wrong you know the truth and it terrifies you.

Those locked doors in Korea they are the end of your road there is no one to help you, and what you thought you had locked away is your worst nightmare now.

My husband will not be silenced for he speaks the Truth, and it is coming for you.

Please visit the websites at BendermanTimeline and BendermanDefense

Monica and Kevin Benderman may be reached at

Visit: Military Project-G.I. Special

“With any Request for help or action one needs to find out more about the subject of the request. There is a link above, and now Here of Three Requests to Help Kevin at their Sites, also listed within.
When one hears, reads, whatever, something that peaks their interests than one Must find out more about the Subject Matter. With the Advent of this Technology it makes it So Much Simpler than before, but Still Takes Work.

Visit the Sites, Read the Material/Articles/Reports and take away Questions about what was Stated. Than Search out the Answers to those Questions, Pro and Con, and use your Individual Intelligence, Common Sense, and Beliefs to Judge wether to get Involved Personally and How Involved you may want to get.
In this case you can do as they are Requesting, or at least some, than Contact your own Congress Critter getting them Involved, That’s Why They Were Hired, wether of Political Ideology of yours or opposite, They Still Represent You, at least that’s how a Democracy Is Supposed To Work!
You can come up with your own Imaginable Ways in any Activism you might take, mine I try and keep to a Non-Violent/Peaceful Activism, we’re just One Fish in this Huge Pond, but Many of Us Fishes Together, forming the School, can get at Least Some Things Accomplished and bring others to Understand!!”

James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71
’67-’68: Meridian Mississippi/Naval Air Station
’68-’70: GMG3, Panama Canal Zone/Rodman Naval Base
’70-’71: GMG3, Coronado Calif, CounterInsurgency/S.E.R.E. School, Vietnam in-Country COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace


2 to Remember

Years from now when people shake their head and say “What’s wrong with those Iraqis?  They just keep killing each other”, Remember who put Billions into Training Paramilitary Thugs, created the Tiger Brigade, the Scorpion Brigade, the Wolf Brigade, and turned the Nation into Chaos.
two stories follow:

Read these Full Articles/Stories At Sites

The Dirty War: Torture and mutilation used on Iraqi ‘insurgents’

Bombs around Baghdad killed 33 people yesterday, but out of sight is a much more shadowy conflict – one in which the US and Britain seem unable to stop death squads and disappearances. Kim Sengupta reports
Published: 20 November 2005

Read Above HERE or click Subject Title

From Within Above:


Endemic torture of prisoners

The discovery last week of starved and tortured prisoners in an Interior Ministry bunker emphasised that detention without due process remains endemic in Iraq, echoing the Saddam era. In Basra, militia elements in the police used cells to imprison and torture their enemies. When the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal broke, it emerged that among the prisoners being maltreated by US soldiers were “undocumented” detainees who had been kept hidden from the Red Cross. And Britain was shamed by the death of Baha Mousa, a Basra hotel clerk, in British military custody.

Use of napalm and phosphorus

Last week the Pentagon admitted using white phosporus as an offensive weapon in last year’s assault on Fallujah. Its official use is to create smokescreens to shield troop movements, but if fired into trenches or foxholes it can burn victims to the bone. The legality of this use is debatable. Last year the US also admitted, after previous denials, that it had used napalm – which Britain has banned – against Iraqi forces during the invasion. There is also controversy over the deployment of cluster munitions, which Britain has said should not be used in or near civilian areas.

Extra-judicial killings

Early in the insurgency, it appeared that Sunnis loyal to Saddam were attacking defenceless Shias – an impression the coalition authorities sought to reinforce. Extra-judicial killings by Shias in the paramilitary groups operated by the Interior Ministry, or in party militias, have become increasingly open. Victims are rounded up in house-to-house raids at night and their bodies, frequently handcuffed, are found dumped later. Sunni civilians are the main target, but Shias seen as collaborators under Saddam, or connected with rival militias, have also “disappeared”.

Indiscriminate ‘spray and slay’

Heavy-handed tactics against the insurgency, dubbed “spray and slay”, have attracted much criticism. The current American offensive in the west and north-west appears to replicate the methods used in Fallujah: the population is ordered to leave before the town is sealed off and subjected to an air and ground assault. Those killed are invariably described as insurgent fighters, even in incidents where there is strong evidence that groups of civilians, including women and children, have been caught up in airstrikes.

The Second From January 2005 And Pertains To Recent Tragic Stories Coming Out Of Iraq!!

`The Salvador Option’

The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or kidnapping teams in Iraq


By Michael Hirsh and John Barry


Updated: 8:59 p.m. ET Jan. 14, 2005

Jan. 8 – What to do about the deepening quagmire of Iraq? The Pentagon’s latest approach is being called “the Salvador option”–and the fact that it is being discussed at all is a measure of just how worried Donald Rumsfeld really is. “What everyone agrees is that we can’t just go on as we are,” one senior military officer told NEWSWEEK. “We have to find a way to take the offensive against the insurgents. Right now, we are playing defense. And we are losing.” Last November’s operation in Fallujah, most analysts agree, succeeded less in breaking “the back” of the insurgency–as Marine Gen. John Sattler optimistically declared at the time–than in spreading it out.

Now, NEWSWEEK has learned, the Pentagon is intensively debating an option that dates back to a still-secret strategy in the Reagan administration’s battle against the leftist guerrilla insurgency in El Salvador in the early 1980s. Then, faced with a losing war against Salvadoran rebels, the U.S. government funded or supported “nationalist” forces that allegedly included so-called death squads directed to hunt down and kill rebel leaders and sympathizers. Eventually the insurgency was quelled, and many U.S. conservatives consider the policy to have been a success–despite the deaths of innocent civilians and the subsequent Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages scandal. (Among the current administration officials who dealt with Central America back then is John Negroponte, who is today the U.S. ambassador to Iraq. Under Reagan, he was ambassador to Honduras. There is no evidence, however, that Negroponte knew anything about the Salvadoran death squads or the Iran-Contra scandal at the time. The Iraq ambassador, in a phone call to NEWSWEEK on Jan. 10, said he was not involved in military strategy in Iraq. He called the insertion of his name into this report “utterly gratuitous.”)

Many were saying these Actions were forth coming when John Negroponte, was named U.S. ambassador to Iraq. Under Reagan, he was ambassador to Honduras.

This report, initially published on Jan. 8, was updated on Jan. 10 to include Negroponte’s comments to NEWSWEEK.

And at a news conference on Jan. 11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the idea of a Salvador option was “nonsense” and denied that U.S. Special Forces were going into Syria. But when asked whether such a policy was under consideration, he replied, “Why would I even talk about something like that?”

My Words Not Needed….

Except to say ‘Remember Also The Tens Of Thousands Of Iraqi’s Killed/Maimed’ and the Fact We Ripped The Lid Off The ‘Pandora’s Box’ Bringing more Suffering and Destruction to that Region and the World!

Chickenhawk n.
A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that person’s youth.

I’ve Declared Non-Violent ‘War’, as the The Nation Has Democrats and the War
editorial | posted November 9, 2005 (November 28, 2005 issue),
 On ChickenHawks,Freeper/Sheep,Talking Heads and No Support For Pols Who Refuse To Investigate This Administration and End This Illegal Conflict!
Veterans: Wether Conflict or Peace Time Vets, Signature Everything you sign, post, send, whatever! Let Them Know WHO WE ARE!!!

James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country ’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace

VIDEO SPECIAL | Carly Sheehan: A Nation Rocked to Sleep

Windows Player DSL

Links to Quicktime & RealPlayer DSL & Dial Up At Site

Video – TEARS

The Price Of Oil

[A song by Billy Bragg-
Click Link To Listen}

voices on the radio
tell us that we’re going to war
those brave men and women in uniform
they want to know what they’re fighting for
the generals want to hear the end game
the allies won’t approve the plan
but the oil men in the white house
they just don’t give a damn

it’s all about the price of oil
it’s all about the price of oil
don’t give me no shit
about blood, sweat, tears and toil
it’s all about the price of oil
now I ain’t no fan of Saddam Hussein
oh, please don’t get me wrong
if it’s freeing the Iraqi people you’re after
then why have we waited so long
why didn’t we sort this out last time
was he less evil than he is now
the stock market holds the answer
to why him, why here, why now

Saddam killed his own people
just like general Pinochet
and once upon a time both these evil men
were supported by the U.S.A.
and whisper it, even Bin Laden
once drank from America’s cup
just like that election down in Florida
this shit doesn’t all add up
it’s all about the price of oil
`cause it’s all about the price of oil
don’t give me no shit
about blood, sweat, tears and toil
it’s all about the price of oil

Thanks For The Memories

We Were Right They Lied

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
If that is true than
2000 Speaks VOLUMES!!

PS: And while you’re at it, think about 58,000 Plus Faces Of Vietnam

Flash Video: Veterans


[caution: Extremely Graphic Photo’s]
[Erics New Video]

This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!

As of Today, 11-20-05 there are 52 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!

If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’

U.S. CASUALTY MAP;click on map for interaction site:

And There Are So Many More

“I like guys who’ve never been there that criticize us who’ve been there,” said Murtha, a former Marine. “I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war, and then don’t like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done.”
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa 11-17-05

“”Several times a year, Murtha travels to Iraq to assess the war on the ground, and sometimes he just calls up generals to get firsthand accounts.
His voice cracked and tears filled his eyes as he related stories of one of his visits to wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington.
One man, he said, was blinded and lost both his hands but had been denied a Purple Heart because friendly fire caused his injuries.
“I met with the commandant. I said, ‘If you don’t give him a Purple Heart, I’ll give him one of mine.’ And they gave him a Purple Heart,” said Murtha, who has two.””


[I’ll get to WHIG thoughts at bottom]

Mehlman Admits WHIG Cooking!

Mehlman: “Which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.”

Where’s this Dramatically Givin Evidence That Congress Didn’t See, But The pResident Did?, because if it was more forcefully givin to the pRes there has to be More Evidence!

Where is it, it doesn’t exist, Congress saw Exactly what Cheney, and the other’s, of the WHIG roundtable, wanted them to see!

And the American People and the World saw Even Less!

Just as the Inspectors were Requesting the Information that the White House kept saying they had, that they knew Exactly where the WMD’s were and How Much, they weren’t getting it, as the White House kept saying it would Compromise the Way They Received this Intelligence, Because It Didn’t Exist!

That was shown by the baseless Intelligence Report to the UN by Powell, watching it I kept saying to myself, “Where is All this Super Technology, we’ve spent Billions on, that the Politicians say is So Precise?”!

I also was thinking, “Why are these fools bying into this crap?”, except as you watched some of the Diplomats faces, Many Weren’t, they seemed to be wondering the same as my first question!

Russert/Mehlman 11-13-05 Meet The Press

Abit into the Interview

MR. RUSSERT: “Send wrong signals to the enemy.” Is the president saying the Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
MR. MEHLMAN: Tim, here’s the issue. What the president said very clearly in his remarks is that people who oppose the war have that right, that our country is better because we have dissent and discussion. But what happened in this case was a whole series of Democrats, the majority of the Democrats in the Senate, 80 Democrats in the House, looked at the exact same evidence the president looked at, leading up to the Iraq War and came to the exact same conclusion. And the conclusion was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was trying to obtain weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a threat. And in a post-9/11 world, it would be irresponsible to leave him in power.

“looked at the exact same evidence the president looked at”

MR. RUSSERT: So are you suggesting the Democrats who voted in favor of the war and who are now opposing the president’s policies are unpatriotic?
MR. MEHLMAN: Not at all. What I’m suggesting is for people to say that they looked at the exact same evidence he looked at. Look at their language, look what they said. At the same time, they said he has WMDs. John Edwards, a member of the Intelligence Committee, said week after week, day after day, “I looked at the evidence and I believe he has WMD.”

“What I’m suggesting is for people to say that they looked at the exact same evidence he looked at.”

MR. RUSSERT: Let’s go through this carefully, because The Washington Post has done a fact-check analysis of some of the president’s comments. “President Bush and his national security adviser have answered critics of the Iraq War in recent days with a two-pronged argument: that Congress saw the same intelligence the administration did before the war and that independent commissions have determined that the administration did not misrepresent the intelligence. Neither assertion is wholly accurate. …Bush and his aides had access to much more voluminous intelligence information than did lawmakers who were depending on the administration to provide the material. And the commission cited by officials, though concluding that the administration did not pressure intelligence analysts to change their conclusions, were not authorized to determine whether the administration exaggerated or distorted those conclusions.”
So the president had more intelligence, more data, more information than a senator or a congressman.

MR. MEHLMAN: In fact, Tim, the Robb-Lieberman commission–excuse me, the Robb-Silverman Commission looked at this and they found something very different. The president got briefed every single day. The members of Congress had access to information. The information was basically the same, except what the Robb-Silverman Commission found was that the information the president got was more dramatic. In other words, the argument here says that if somehow they saw what he saw, they wouldn’t have believed the case for war was made. In fact what the commission who looked at it found out was the opposite was true, which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.

“Which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.”

And Congress along with most of the people of this country Bit Hook-Line-and Sinker!

Yet Almost Everything That Was Stated By The Pro-Peace Activists, Diplomats, Government Employees former and present, former Inspectors and the ones who were in Iraq Prior to Invasion, Before, During and Too Date, Has Now Come Out As The Truth or Questioned Strongly with Whispers of the Questions Breaking as the others have!

continuation of above conversation

But it’s not just this information. The fact is since 1998, this administration and the previous administration, had the same policy. It was regime change in Iraq. The U.N. looked at it, the Germans looked at it, the French looked at it, the Clinton administration looked at it, the Bush administration looked at it, members of Congress looked at it. They all agreed that this guy has WMD and he has a desire to have a more aggressive program going forward and they all concluded he needed to be removed. And there was an intelligence failure.
But here’s the question. The question is, how do you respond to that? Do you respond to it by correcting the intelligence, or do you do what the Democrats are doing, which is laying politics with it. And I think the president’s point was at this critical moment in this critical war, with this central front in the war on terror, playing politics is not what we should be doing.

The Reason For Invasion Was Not Regime Change, Period!!

MR. RUSSERT: The Robb-Silverman Commission did not look into the use of intelligence by policy- makers. But I want to go through it because this is very important to the country and obviously to the president. And that is, the emphasis that he had on some of the things that he presented to the public. Here’s t he president, September 12, 2002, speaking to the United Nations.
(Videotape, September 12, 2002):
PRES. BUSH: Iraq has made several attempts to buy high-strength aluminum tubes used to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: And prior to that, he had said that we had gotten uranium from Africa. And now both times, Mohamed ElBaradei, who was head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the president was wrong. ElBaradei has now won the Nobel Peace Prize. At the time, ElBaradei’s saying no, no, the president’s wrong. And ElBaradei said this exactly, “After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq…” And so, I asked Vice President Cheney about what ElBaradei had said. And this is what the vice president said in March.
(Videotape, March 16, 2003):
VICE PRES. DICK CHENEY: And we believe he has in fact reconstituted nuclear weapons. I think Mr. ElBaradei, frankly, is wrong.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: Now, the vice president came on six months later and said, he meant nuclear program. But here’s the president talking about uranium from Africa, talking about aluminium tubes, talking about reconstituting nuclear programs. And the International Atomic Energy Association is saying, not true. Colin Powell, the secretary of state, went before the United Nations and laid out the case and then said this.
(Videotape, February 5, 2003):
SEC’Y COLIN POWELL (State Department): My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: “On solid intelligence.” And then 15 months later, the secretary of state came on this program and said this.
(Videotape, May 16, 2004):
SEC’Y POWELL: But it turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong, and in some cases, deliberately misleading. And for that, I am disappointed, and I regret it.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: “Deliberately misleading.” That’s the secretary of state. So why can’t Democrats now say that the administration deliberately misled the American people?

My take on what’s been going on since last week.

They know that if what went on in the White House, with WHIG – White House Iraq Group, that all the roosters will come home to roast, in other words they All would be facing Criminal Charges, not only in this Country but on the World Stage as well!

Too many have been asking about WHIG recently, than the Dems make a Surprise Move and shutdown Congress over an Investigation into WHIG!

Now they are once again trying to change the subject, and News Spin, by Regurgitating the Same Lame Talking Points and Lies, hitting from All Sides, wanting Any Mention of a WHIG Investigation to Go Away!

It’s a ‘Conspiracy’ within the White House, Congress and the GOP of a Huge CoverUp Attempt!!

They aren’t even worried about Impeachment Talk, this is Much Bigger!!!

We Will See. Won’t We!!

Understanding PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that a person may develop after experiencing or witnessing an extreme, overwhelming traumatic event during which they felt intense fear, helplessness, or horror.

Following you will read a printed version of a televised Local News Report that aired on Veterans Day 11-11-2005. Sterling is by far not the only one that not only is a long time sufferer of PTSD but is Ignored by the VA and Our Government thus being Ignored by the People of the Country who sent him, and Many More, into Other Countries, that did Absolutely Nothing To Us To Deserve An Invation, to Wage WAR on that Country and it’s People!

Below this you will read portions of Studies on PTSD that at the sites carry links to further study, Please Visit and Understand! For we are Creating Disastrous Conditions, not only with the Conflicts started but with mutiple In-Theater tours in Iraq and Afganistan, that may far outweight those that came from other conflcts and the results of PTSD and the number who suffer those demons!

Veterans ask if they’re getting the benefits they deserve
05:13 PM EST on Friday, November 11, 2005
The Disabled American Veterans broke ground on a new service center that could help many who have risked their lives for freedom.
The Disabled American Veterans broke ground on a new service center Friday. It could help many local veterans who said they’ve risked their lives for our freedom. Yet some veterans said they’re not getting the benefits they deserve.
Vietnam veteran Sterling Grier said the government has turned its back on him. Medical experts said the war left him with a debilitating mental disorder that makes him incapable of working. Yet the government only pays back his service to his country with ten dollars a month.
“I wanted to be a soldier. I figured it was my job and my duty,” said Grier.
Grier has a sad story to tell. A story about a 19-year-old turned sharpshooter who was sent to the heart of combat in Vietnam.
“Everyday when we go out somebody wasn’t coming back,” he said. “And you wondered ‘was it your day?'”
Grier watched dozens of friends and enemies die. At the end of his service he returned home to a life of crying spells and isolation.
“I think about the guys that was hurt and wounded and I can hear the voices,” said Grier. “I still can hear them… at night I think about them.”
He was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of PSTD. It’s a psychological problem created by a traumatic event like war. Symptoms include flashbacks and nightmares. The federal government pays benefits to veterans who suffer from PSTD, but not Grier.
“They’re saying it’s non-service connected which is crazy… he wasn’t suffering from war trauma before he went,” said Sam Gordon a veteran and a claims officer. “They just keep denying his claims.”
He’s helped organize a book of Grier’s paperwork. It’s a record of the more than 30 years that Grier has been trying to get his military benefits.
“He has all the required evidence. It just doesn’t make sense. The short answer is he just fell through the cracks,” Said Gordon.
A letter from Grier’s psychologist said he is totally disabled and suffers from PTSD related to his service in Vietnam.
That’s proof Gordon said that Grier should be entitled to almost $2,400 a month today and at least $300,000 in back benefits. Gordon said Grier’s case is not unusual.
“A lot of them feel like they’ve been discarded like they’re second class citizens,” said Gordon.
“I hope that one day I’ll get what’s entitled to me,” said Grier.
Almost two out of every 10 combat soldiers returning from Iraq are expected to suffer from PSTD and other problems. That’s according to a New England Journal of Medicine Study.
Because of the holiday, we could not reach federal officials for comment.

As sad and depressing that it is, make sure to click onto the tables
and charts in the studies here and here for a survey on combat experiences and afflictions within and at sites.

The New England Journal of Medicine
Combat Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mental Health Problems, and Barriers to Care
Charles W. Hoge, M.D., Carl A. Castro, Ph.D., Stephen C. Messer, Ph.D., Dennis McGurk, Ph.D., Dave I. Cotting, Ph.D., and Robert L. Koffman, M.D., M.P.H.

Background The current combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have involved U.S. military personnel in major ground combat and hazardous security duty. Studies are needed to systematically assess the mental health of members of the armed services who have participated in these operations and to inform policy with regard to the optimal delivery of mental health care to returning veterans.
Methods We studied members of four U.S. combat infantry units (three Army units and one Marine Corps unit) using an anonymous survey that was administered to the subjects either before their deployment to Iraq (n=2530) or three to four months after their return from combat duty in Iraq or Afghanistan (n=3671). The outcomes included major depression, generalized anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which were evaluated on the basis of standardized, self-administered screening instruments.
Results Exposure to combat was significantly greater among those who were deployed to Iraq than among those deployed to Afghanistan. The percentage of study subjects whose responses met the screening criteria for major depression, generalized anxiety, or PTSD was significantly higher after duty in Iraq (15.6 to 17.1 percent) than after duty in Afghanistan (11.2 percent) or before deployment to Iraq (9.3 percent); the largest difference was in the rate of PTSD. Of those whose responses were positive for a mental disorder, only 23 to 40 percent sought mental health care. Those whose responses were positive for a mental disorder were twice as likely as those whose responses were negative to report concern about possible stigmatization and other barriers to seeking mental health care.
Conclusions This study provides an initial look at the mental health of members of the Army and the Marine Corps who were involved in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our findings indicate that among the study groups there was a significant risk of mental health problems and that the subjects reported important barriers to receiving mental health services, particularly the perception of stigma among those most in need of such care.

Source Information&References are found at Site

As you read these reports, visit these sites and others for further study, keep in mind the People of the Countries Invaded! For it isn’t only Our Military Personal who Develope the Demons of PTSD but Everyone who experiances, Over and Over, the Daily results within War!!

And as War changes oneself it brings on, in Many, a Rage of wanting Retaliation, especially within the young, for we are Creating those who will Lash Out in the Now as well as In The Future!!

Acknowledging the Psychiatric Cost of War

Matthew J. Friedman, M.D., Ph.D.
The data presented by Hoge and associates in this issue of the Journal1 about members of the Army and the Marine Corps returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan force us to acknowledge the psychiatric cost of sending young men and women to war. It is possible that these early findings underestimate the eventual magnitude of this clinical problem. The report is unprecedented in several respects. First, this is the first time there has been such an early assessment of the prevalence of war-related psychiatric disorders, reported while the fighting continues. Second, there are predeployment data, albeit cross-sectional, against which to evaluate the psychiatric problems that develop after deployment. Third, the authors report important data showing that the perception of stigmatization has the power to deter active-duty personnel from seeking mental health care even when they recognize the severity of their psychiatric problems. These findings raise a number of questions for policy and practice. I focus here on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), because there is better information about this disorder than about others and because PTSD was the biggest problem noted in the responses to an anonymous survey among those returning from active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.
The rigorous evaluation of war-related psychiatric disorders is relatively new, having begun with the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study.2 This national epidemiologic survey of male and female veterans of Vietnam was conducted in the mid-1980s. The veterans were therefore assessed 10 to 20 years after their service in Vietnam. The prevalence of current PTSD was 15 percent among men and 8 percent among women. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD was higher — 30 percent among male veterans and 25 percent among female veterans.
A retrospective cohort study of veterans of the Gulf War that was conducted between 1995 and 19973 showed a prevalence rate of 10.1 percent for PTSD among those who had experienced combat duty, in contrast to a prevalence rate of 4.2 percent in a matched cohort of Gulf War-era veterans who had not seen combat. The adjusted odds ratio for PTSD for those who had been in combat was 3.1; this is similar to the odds ratios in the present study of 2.84 for soldiers and 2.66 for Marines after deployment to active duty, as compared with soldiers before deployment.
In a longitudinal study of New England veterans of the Gulf War, the prevalence of PTSD more than doubled between the initial assessment performed immediately after their return to Fort Devens, Massachusetts, and the follow-up assessment performed two years later. The rates increased from 3 percent to 8 percent among male veterans and from 7 percent to 16 percent among female veterans. Higher levels of symptoms have been reported among members of the National Guard and the Reserves than among active-duty personnel.4
Finally, a retrospective survey of American male and female soldiers deployed to Somalia between 1992 and 1994 showed an estimated prevalence of PTSD of approximately 8 percent, with no difference according to sex.5 When the focus of this mission shifted from a United Nations’ humanitarian peacekeeping operation to a more traditional military deployment to subdue the Somali warlords, there was greater exposure to traumatic situations and a higher prevalence of PTSD among the American troops.6
It is unclear at this time whether the prevalence of PTSD among those returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom will increase or decrease. On the one hand, it is encouraging that the Department of Defense has been active in providing mental health care in the war zone and psychiatric resources in the United States and has demonstrated a commitment to monitor psychiatric disorders, as reflected by the present report. Furthermore, the findings of the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study suggest that considerable recovery from PTSD among veterans is possible, as shown by the difference between the lifetime and the current prevalence of this disorder.
On the other hand, the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study cannot tell us whether the onset of PTSD occurred while Vietnam veterans were still in uniform or at some time later, during the 10 to 20 years between their exposure to war and the survey for the study. Indeed, there is reason for concern that the reported prevalence of PTSD of 15.6 to 17.1 percent among those returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom will increase in coming years, for two reasons. First, on the basis of the findings of the Fort Devens study,4 the prevalence of PTSD may increase considerably during the two years after veterans return from combat duty. Second, on the basis of studies of military personnel who served in Somalia, it is possible that psychiatric disorders will increase now that the conduct of war has shifted from a campaign for liberation to an ongoing armed conflict with dissident combatants. In short, the estimates of PTSD reported by Hoge and associates may be conservative not only because of the methods used in their study but also because it may simply be too early to assess the eventual magnitude of the mental health problems related to deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom.
A recent reanalysis of the data from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study2 and the Hawaii Vietnam Veterans Project7 suggests that after the development of PTSD, the risk factors for persistent PTSD are “primarily associated with variables relating to the current time frame: current emotional sustenance, current structural social support, and recent life events.”8 This information is clearly useful for mental health policy and planning, because it raises the hopeful possibility that PTSD may be reversible if patients can be helped to cope with stresses in their current life.
There are obviously important distinctions between the period after the Vietnam War and the present. Americans no longer confuse war with the warrior; those returning from Iraq or Afghanistan enjoy national support, despite sharp political disagreement about the war itself. In addition, the field of study of PTSD has matured to the point where effective evidence-based treatment and practice guidelines are available for use by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs and by civilian mental health practitioners. Cognitive-behavioral therapies have been successful in the treatment of PTSD, and two selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.9,10,11 Practitioners in the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are sophisticated and strongly motivated to continue to improve their skills in treating PTSD. Collaboration between mental health professionals in the Department of Defense and those in the Department of Veterans Affairs is at an all-time high. For example, the Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD and the Defense Department’s Walter Reed Army Medical Center collaborated to develop the Iraq War Clinician Guide (available at ) and to conduct a multisite, randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD among female veterans and female active-duty personnel.
In a best-case scenario, active-duty, Reserve, and National Guard personnel as well as veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom with symptoms of PTSD will take advantage of the many mental health services available through the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Educational initiatives will be implemented to help veterans and active-duty personnel recognize that the loss of social support or the effect of recent adverse life events may precipitate a return of the symptoms of PTSD. Veterans and active-duty personnel will also be encouraged to monitor their psychological health and to seek treatment if and when it becomes necessary.
Alas, there is also a worst-case scenario that demands immediate attention. Hoge and associates report that concern about possible stigmatization was disproportionately greatest among the soldiers and Marines most in need of mental health care. Owing to such concern, those returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom who reported the greatest number or the most severe symptoms were the least likely to seek treatment for fear that it could harm their careers, cause difficulties with their peers and with unit leadership, and become an embarrassment in that they would be seen as weak.
These findings are consistent with those in an earlier report that showed low use of mental health services among Navy and Marine Corps personnel.12 In contrast to a rate of 28.5 percent among male civilians with a psychiatric disorder who sought treatment,13 only 19 percent of servicemen with a psychiatric disorder sought treatment. Furthermore, among military personnel with PTSD, the rate of seeking treatment was only 4.1 percent, which is substantially lower than that for other psychiatric disorders. This finding may indicate that within the military culture, “succumbing” to PTSD is seen as a failure, a weakness, and as evidence of an innate deficiency of the right stuff.
Hoge and associates suggest that the perception of stigmatization can be reduced only by means of concerted outreach — that is, by providing more mental health services in primary care clinics and confidential counseling through employee-assistance programs. The sticking point is skepticism among military personnel that the use of mental health services can remain confidential. Although the soldiers and Marines in the study by Hoge and colleagues were able to acknowledge PTSD-related problems in an anonymous survey, they apparently were afraid to seek assistance for fear that a scarlet P could doom their careers.
Our acknowledgment of the psychiatric costs of war has promoted the establishment of better methods of detecting and treating war-related psychiatric disorders. It is now time to take the next step and provide effective treatment to distressed men and women, along with credible safeguards of confidentiality.
Dr. Friedman reports having served as a paid speaker for GlaxoSmithKline, Ortho-McNeil, and AstraZeneca.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Source Information&References are found at Site

Welcome to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Alliance Website

We Are Non Profit Corporation Developing Community of Compassion and Understanding.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be caused by many life threatening situations, which are: Domestic Violence, Rape, Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse, Public Trauma, Terrorism, Public Servants, Families of PTSD Survivors, Combat and many more.

We are here to help, not as professionals, but as peers.

Messages From Founder
No one knows what PTSD really is, until they walk in our shoes. We are hidden from the society because of our own fear. If it comes from war, the government want to keep us a less then honorable discharge so we are not a liability. We are wounded… but they do not give purple hearts for pain that lasts a life time. Society is interested in the rapist. The victim, male or female, is lost. No one cares about them. Wives are beaten daily and are subject to emotional trauma without hope. Children grow up in homes where they are physically or emotionally damaged for life. Whatever the cause, and there are many more, we are real people. Our pain is real. We do not want pity. Just the help we need to lead a better quality of life. Is that asking too much? God be with us All.

— Gregory A. Helle —
Chaplain and Founder

I founded the PTSD Alliance for veterans

I am a veteran of Vietnam

I am 100% disabled with PTSD

I honor all those who have given their lives for freedom

I honor all those who have given of their bodies for freedom

And I honor those who have given their minds for freedom

Our country does not understand that freedom is not free

That so many of us have been willing to die for the freedoms we enjoy

While those at home enjoy the freedom without thoughts of us who served

We served proudly and we do not feel anger for our physical and mental ailments

We are proud Americans

We just do not want to be forgotten

Dying for freedom is not the worst thing that can happen

Being forgotten is

To live in poverty because we cannot adjust to society

Or cannot find jobs

This is a shame for America

To allow those who serve be denied the freedom they served for

To be denied the basic human dignities

This is wrong America

Veterans gave you the right to have what you have

You owe it to veterans to give them the ability to enjoy the freedom

They were willing to give their lives for

Chaplain Gregory A. Helle
Founder, PTSD Alliance International

Disclaimer: This web site is not maintained by professionals, i.e., psychologists, psychiatrists, or other professionals in the psychiatric field. The advice given is from personal experiences and is not professional counseling. This not a VA site. The site is maintained by a Vietnam veteran disabled with PTSD with support from veterans, wives, children, etc. who are affected by PTSD.
Neither this site nor this organization is political. Although some articles will have political overtones out of necessity, this organization does not support any political party. This organization will not accept any manner of discrimination.
Please Note: The Alliance does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific treatment or medication for people with PTSD. Information on this web site is not meant to take the place of advice from qualified professionals. While visiting this site can help you gain a greater understanding of PTSD, it cannot provide a diagnosis or treatment. As you determine the best course of action for yourself, you are encouraged to share this information with your doctor(s), mental health care provider(s), family, and friends.


Generations of Valor
Pearl Harbor Survivor Houston James of Dallas embraced Marin Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during a Veterans Day commemoration in Dallas yesterday. Graunke lost a hand, a leg and an eye when he defused a bomb in Iraq last year. This week’s Images of U.S. troops in combat in Falujah deepened the day’s significance for many who attended tributes held in San Diego and across the nation. — Associated Press

The Following are just a few Links to the Study and Help of PTSD and Those who Suffer from it, there are Many More!!

National Center for PTSD


NIMH Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Veterans Around The World [A Personal Website Out Of The UK]

Mental Health Channel

Welcome to
Gift From Within

An International Nonprofit Organization for
Survivors of Trauma and Victimization

IVAW Needs Your Help

Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) is a group of veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are committed to saving lives and ending the violence in Iraq by an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces. We welcome all active duty, reservist, and recent veterans into our ranks.

The following is an Appeal from
Stan Goff – Feral Scholar
Stan Goff – Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Full Spectrum Disorder

Stan Goff’s career as a soldier in Army Special Operations (Delta Force, Rangers, and Special Forces) took him from the invasions of Vietnam, Grenada and Haiti, to the training grounds of the cruel and corrupt Colombian and Peruvian armed forces. He taught Military Science at the US Military Academy at West Point, conducted classified missions in El Salvador and Guatemala, and was deployed with the ill-fated Task Force Ranger (of Black Hawk Down fame) to Mogadishu. There are snapshots of those experiences in the new book, Full Spectrum Disorder and other books of interest.

Stans Appeal for IVAW


This is an appeal from Stan Goff on behalf of Iraq Veterans Against the
.  It is an appeal for money, so let me get that right out front.

I am asking you to go to Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), to click on “Donate Online”, and
to become a “recurring” supporter, by providing an automatic monthly
deduction transfered to IVAW of as much as you can afford — $10, $100,
$500… as much as you can afford.

Now I break, once again, from the appeal. Stan is asking for people to become “recurring” monthly donors. Knowing many cannot participate in this manner, and especially with giving to other organizations etc., a One Time Donation, of an affordable amount would Help IVAW to Grow and Accomplish their Many Missions in seeking to end this occupation of IRAQ and ‘Bring The Troops Home, NOW!

No group of women and men has more credibility with the public in its
opposition to the war than the people who participated in it, and who
are now speaking out against it.  IVAW’s membership includes hundreds
of highly-motivated, talented young people, who have shown a special
character.  They are now students, workers, musicians, philosophers,
geographers, playwrights, public speakers, writers, film-makers, and
several have spent time in prison for their beliefs.  People like
Camilo Mejia, Stephen Funk, Kevin Benderman, Charlie Anderson, Mike
Hoffman, Kelly Dougherty, Pablo Paredes, Tim Goodrich, Pat Resta, Jimmy
Massey, Jose Vasquez, Ivan Medina, Tina Garnanez, Alex Ryabov, Garret
Reppenhagen, and many others.  These are the people whose voices are
amplified by contributions to IVAW.

IVAW has never had a lot, but after the expenses incurred to support
Cindy Sheehan, the Crawford to DC Bus Tour, and the September 24
antiwar demonstration, there is not enough money in the bank right now
to even make payroll for the part-time staff that keeps the
organization afloat.

The organization needs around $10,000 a month cash flow to support its
recent expansion in membership and the next year’s organizational
development and objectives.  Those objectives include organizer
training for members, chapter concentration to develop local
self-sustaining nuclei, Katrina survivor self-determination support
work, and counter-recruitment initiatives.  These are the IVAW
priorities for the next year, in addition to the primary mission — to
stop the war against Iraq.

IVAW is the only organization of its kind, with its membership drawn
from armed services veterans who were on duty after September 11, 2001,
the day of the event upoon which the Bush administration built it’s
so-called Global War on Terror.  IVAW could seek a lot of foundation
money if it were to change one thing in its mission statement, and that
is the demand for immediate and unilateral withdrawal of all American
forces from Iraq.  Calls for indefinite plans of “phased” withdrawal
are much more popular with foundations who are reluctant to endanger
quietly favored elected officials who have been less than sterling on
the war by confronting them with their complicity in letting the Bush
administration have its way.  IVAW could change that mission and have
access to more money.  But it will not.

IVAW will not take money that  has these kinds of unstated strings
attached.  So it needs the support of independent antiwar activists who
share IVAW’s core beliefs that the occupaiton must leave as a moral
imperative and that the Iraqis will be better off without the
occupation — that the occupation itself is the catalyst for most of
the violence there, including attacks by Iraqis against other Iraqis.

The way this movement becomes independent and stays independent is
through the support of people who share its core mission and values.

Please, please help us build a sustianing financial floor under this
extremely important organization.  They need to be focused on their
work, not on finances.

Thanks so much for your support of my work, and for whatever you can
commit to IVAW.

Yours very sincerely,

Stan Goff

If deciding to donate, visit the IVAW Site, after placing Amount click Continue, on the Next Page scroll to bottom and Click Continue again to fill in Information. As this is going through thr Veterans For Peace Membership/Donation Site your Donation to IVAW will be partly down that second page.

And if deciding to Help IVAW I say ‘Thanks’ from Stan and Myself and All Veterans For Peace

James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country ’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace


Tomorrow ‘Veterans Day’ 11-11-05

Hold a Vigil in Support of Veterans on This Veterans Day

Support ‘Active Military’ and ‘Veterans’, Not In A Parade, But In A ‘CandleLite’ Vigil In Your HomeTown and Theirs!!

BRING THEM HOME, NOW! And Take Care Of Them When They Get Here!!

One is Already Organized for Charlotte NC, use the Idea’s Below, and I will add a few.
For Your Vigil, even if only one or two people form the Vigil ‘Others Will Join You’!

Charlotte Vigil Information:

When: Friday, November 11, 5 – 6:30PM

What: Vigil – with signs and banners – We will line the corners of Trade and Tryon, in the center of Charlotte NC, to connect with commuters and pedestrians leaving work on Veterans Day. Candle lighting at sunset (Approximately 6:15PM)

Where: Corner of Trade and Tryon, at the “Future” statue of Mother and Baby

Why: To honor all those who have served our country through the military – Veterans and current military personnel

Theme: Support the Troops – Bring them Home Now, And Take Care of them When They Get Here

Don’t Let Veterans Pay the Price for War

Banner/Sign Ideas:

Love the Troops – Hate the War

Support the Troops – Bring them Home Alive

Don’t Cut Veteran’s Benefits Support Veteran’s Benefits

Don’t Let Vets Pay the Price for War Fund the Vets – Not the War

Real Support = Better Benefits Support Them Once Their Home

Fund Disablility Benefits for Vets

Bring: Signs, Banners, Candles with Cups to protect them from wind; Lighters Statements/Songs/Poems to share during candle-lit “circle” portion of vigil.

For Those In The Charlotte Area Please Attend

Here Is A Flyer You Can Download And Pass Out, from Operation Truth

Download Our Flier
Help your friends and neighbors REALLY Support the Troops!
Operation Truth volunteers across the country have taken the time to pass out our fliers in their community. Each flier explains some of the most pressing issues facing Troops and Veterans, and suggests concrete ways to show your support.

Download Here
Check back regularly for new fliers!

These Are Bumper Stickers, But Would Make Great-Quick Posters with a Strong Message:

Just Click On Banners!

James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country ’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace

Vets Call for Independent Commission on Torture-PressConf.

Troops to Call for Independent Commission on Torture

This week a group of nearly 4,000 military veterans and family members published an open letter calling for the creation of an Independent Commission to investigate the torture scandal. Press Conference Friday, November 11, 2005 VETERANS DAY.

Nearly four years after the beginning of the War on Terror, the U.S. continues to struggle with the issue of torture. With the exception of the demotion of a Brigadier General, not a single investigation has had the scope to look beyond low ranking enlisted soldiers and junior officers.
Senate Republicans, led by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have proposed legislation which would restrict the United States from the abuse of prisoners. This legislation, known as the “McCain Amendment,” currently faces a veto threat from the White House.



CHARLES SHEEHAN-MILES; 1991 Gulf War veteran and executive director, Veterans for Common Sense.

[CONTACT: Charles Sheehan-Miles, 202-558-4553

FRANK GREGORY FORD is an Iraq War veteran who will describe incidents of prisoner abuse he witnessed and attempted to report to the military chain of command.

DAVID DEBATTO is an Iraq War veteran and intelligence specialist who will discuss interrogation practices in Iraq.

GARRETT REPPENHAGEN is a recently returned Iraq War veteran and Army sniper who will discuss the impact of the Abu Ghraib on the Iraqi insurgency in the spring of 2004

COLONEL RICHARD KLASS is a Vietnam veteran and Silver Star winner who will discuss the role and responsibilities of combat commanders.

JEAN AYLWARD is a former Air Force Judge Advocate General officer and former attorney in the Office of Intelligence Policy Review at the U.S. Department of Justice, and currently serves as Senior Associate for Government Affairs at HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST.

ERIK K. GUSTAFSON is a 1991 Gulf War veteran and founded of the EDUCATION FOR PEACE IN IRAQ CENTER, an organization promoting human rights in Iraq since 1988.


WHAT: Press Conference to release Open Letter for an Independent Commission on Torture

WHEN: November 11, 2005; 10 AM (Veterans Day)

WHERE: Edward R. Murrow Room at the National Press Club; 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor – Washington, DC 20045

VETERANS FOR COMMON SENSE is an organization of 14,000 veterans from World War II to the War on Terror working to preserve American values and defend U.S. national security.

View the Congressional Quarterly advertisement (Acrobat PDF)

Read the Open Letter (Acrobat PDF)

Charles said that they wouldn’t know Untill the Day of the Conferance on wether C-Span might carry it.

But any who read the above I would Suggest that you can Call C-Span and Request it be televised:
Main Number: (202) 737-3220

AnyOne In Geogia, As Posted On VFP Board

The Georgia Tech Chapter of Amnesty International,
Veterans For Peace Chapter 125,
and the Georgia Coalition of Peace & Justice/Atlanta

Iraq Veterans Against the War


Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, 8 pm

Stamps Student Center
Student Center Complex Stage – Commons
350 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA, on the Georgia Tech campus

(See Directions copied below)
(Flyers attached)


Marine lance corporal who served honorably
in the initial invasion of Iraq and later
co-founded Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Trained in military intelligence and
sent to Iraq 3 days after his son was born;
served in the cavalry with no training for his job.
Was injured in war and medically discharged.

West Point graduate who served honorably
as a field artillery captain in Iraq and
subsequently concluded that the war and
occupation of Iraq is counter-productive to
keeping America safe from terrorism.

One of the first Iraq war resisters imprisoned –
former infantry Staff Sergeant who served in Iraq
and refused to return. Subsequently served
9 months in prison, released in Feb. 2005.

Evelyn Allen, mother of Sgt. Jonathan R. Shields,
killed in action (KIA) in Fallujah, Iraq 11/12/04.

“People join the military to defend their country, not lies”
– Adam Reuter, former Army specialist and Iraq veteran

“As a nation, we have to ask ourselves if what we’re doing is right.
Are we having a positive impact in Iraq? Is our presence there
protecting American citizens? The answers are overwhelmingly
no, and this is why I cannot support the war.”
– Captain Justin Gordon, West Point officer and Iraq veteran


Coming from the South: Take I-75 North to Exit 250, turn left onto 10th St., left onto State Ave., right onto Ferst Ave., and go straight. Go over some speed bumps, then turn left into a pay parking lot at the Stamps Student Center at 350 Ferst Ave.
The Commons Stage is located on the 1st floor of the Stamps Student Center.
If coming from the North: Take I-75 South to Exit 250, turn right onto 10th St., then continue as above.

This forum on the Iraq war is sponsored by:

Georgia Tech Chapter of Amnesty International,
Veterans For Peace, Atlanta Chapter 125,
Iraq Veterans Against the War,
and the Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition/Atlanta,

Media contact: Debbie Clark, Veterans For Peace, Greater Atlanta Chapter 125, 770-855-6163,







For Most Understand ‘What You Do You Receive In Return’!



But There Have Been Other Reports About Napalm&Phosphorus Use In Iraq!!

This was reported in 2004 on various Independent News sites, including Democracy Now.  

At the time, there was No Concrete Evidence – only speculation based on Iraqi Nationals’ accounts of what happened.

I think the real news here is that Giuliana Segrena may have had the videotape of the injuries caused by the chemicals, thus proving the speculation was correct all along.

This may be why there was an attempt on Giuliana Sgrena’s life – they didn’t want this information to get out!

Giuliana Segrena

Il Manifesto

The paper’s online site is in Italian, and I don’t read Italian, but anybody who does can take the visit. I never could find a Link, on the site, for an English Version, either in visits before or today!

The Links and Story below the Fold:

U.S. Used Chemical Weapons In Iraq

Veteran admits: Bodies melted away before us.


The Americans are responsible for a massacre using unconventional weapons, the
identical charge for which Saddam Hussein stands accused. An investigation by
RAI News 24, the all-news Italian satellite television channel, has pulled the
veil from one of the most carefully concealed mysteries from the front in the
entire US military campaign in Iraq.

Video Link

White phosphorous used on the civilian populace: This is how the US “took” Fallujah. New napalm formula also used.

11/07/05 “La Repubblica” — — ROME. In soldier slang they call it Willy Pete. The technical name is white phosphorus. In theory its purpose is to illumine enemy positions in the dark. In practice, it was used as a chemical weapon in the rebel stronghold of Fallujah. And it was used not only against enemy combatants and guerrillas, but again innocent civilians. The Americans are responsible for a massacre using unconventional weapons, the identical charge for which Saddam Hussein stands accused. An investigation by RAI News 24, the all-news Italian satellite television channel, has pulled the veil from one of the most carefully concealed mysteries from the front in the entire US military campaign in Iraq.

RAI News 24’s investigative story, Fallujah, The Concealed Massacre, will be broadcast tomorrow, 11-8-05 at 7:35 (via HOT BIRDTM statellite, Sky Channel 506 and RAI-3), on RAI-3 and will contain not only eye-witness accounts by US military personnel but those from Fallujah residents. A rain of fire descended on the city. People who were exposed to those multicolored substance began to burn. We found people with bizarre wounds-their bodies burned but their clothes intact, relates Mohamad Tareq al-Deraji, a biologist and Fallujah resident.

I gathered accounts of the use of phosphorus and napalm from a few Fallujah refugees whom I met before being kidnapped, says Manifesto reporter Giuliana Sgrena, who was kidnapped in Fallujah last February, in a recorded interview. I wanted to get the story out, but my kidnappers would not permit it.

In the investigative story, produced by Maurizio Torrealta, dramatic footage is shown revealing the effects of the bombardment on civilians, women and children, some of whom were surprised in their sleep.

The investigation will also broadcast documentary proof of the use in Iraq of a new napalm formula called MK77. The use of the incendiary substance on civilians is forbidden by a 1980 UN treaty. The use of chemical weapons is forbidden by a treaty which the US signed in 1997

Video Link



* U.S. Broadcast Exclusive – “Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre” on the U.S. Use
of Napalm-Like White Phosphorus Bombs *

Democracy Now! airs an exclusive excerpt of “Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre,”
featuring interviews with U.S. soldiers, Iraqi doctors and international
journalists on the U.S. attack on Fallujah. Produced by Italian state
broadcaster RAI TV, the documentary charges U.S. warplanes illegally dropped
white phosphorous incendiary bombs on civilian populations, burning the skin
off Iraqi victims. One U.S. soldier charges this amounts to the U.S. using
chemical weapons against the Iraqi people.


* A Debate: Did the U.S. Military Attack Iraqi Civilians With White
Phosphorous Bombs in Violation of the Geneva Conventions? *

We speak with a former U.S. soldier who witnessed orders being given to drop
white phosphorous bombs over Fallujah; a Pentagon spokesperson in Baghdad
who admits such bombs were used but denied they were used as a chemical
weapon; and the news director of RAI TV, the Italian TV network that
produced ³Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre.²



The Mike Malloy Show

10PM-1AM Tonight 11-08-05 Stream It If You Don’t Have A Local Radio Connection To ‘Air America’

The Independent UK:
“Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during the attack on the city in November 2004, killing insurgents and civilians with the appalling burns that are the signature of this weapon.
Ever since the assault, which went unreported by any Western journalists, rumors have swirled that the Americans used chemical weapons on the city.
On 10 November last year, the Islam Online website wrote: ‘US troops are reportedly using chemical weapons and poisonous gas in its large-scale offensive on the Iraqi resistance bastion of Fallujah, a grim reminder of Saddam Hussein’s alleged gassing of the Kurds in 1988.'”
The full story — accompanied by a very graphic and disturbing video produced by Italian television and scheduled for broadcast tonight can be found HERE:
Once again, the rest of the world is shown graphic proof of US troops, acting on orders from George W. Bush, committing war crimes; incinerating civilians, destroying hospitals, bombing neighborhoods, obliterating whole sections of a city in a mad act of revenge against “terrorists” who have the temerity to resist the invading US military.
This is all — the war, the political corruption, the inability to function in the aftermath of natural disasters at home, the ruining of our financial resources, the domestic criminality of the ruling clique, the sanctioning of torture (!) — becoming much worse than the inability to perform even the most basic functions of government (which is an incompetence the Bush Crime Family demonstrates daily).
It is taking on the nightmarish feel of a horrific dream from which one struggles to escape.
The most recent example of the uselessness of Bush himself was the so-called economic summit of hemispheric leaders in Argentina. Bush walked out after making one of his useless press conference cum photo op appearances. No meetings, no discussions, no plans made for regional economic security. Nothing. Bush arrives. People violently protest his presence in their country. Bush struts for the cameras. Bush leaves and flies to a fund-raiser in Virginia after a quick stopover for another photo-op, this one in Panama.
It is all appalling.
It is disgusting.
And we have another 39 months of this.<br Or do we?
Join me tonight for the discussion.

Riverbend, and More

A Powerful Blog Entry

Baghdad Burning
… I’ll meet you ’round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend…
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Movies and Dreams…
Riverbend says it all, showing that she and the Iraqi People are No Differant than We and the rest of the American People and All People on this Planet.

My parents, like many Iraqis of their generation and educational background, discouraged too much tv. When E. and I were younger, they were vigilant about the type of shows and movies we were allowed to watch. They didn’t like for us to be exposed to propaganda- Arab or Western- and any programs containing excessive violence, foul language or sexual content were prohibited. On the other hand, all types of books were encouraged. I grew up reading books by authors ranging from Jane Austen to John LeCarre, from Emily Bronte to Maxim Gorky to Simone de Beauvoir… nothing was ever off-limits.

I could post up more of her Entry but I find it hard to Separate her thoughts, and writing, without taking the impact of the total reading which within she gives a Graphic Example of what takes place in War!

In this Powerful Entry, as many of hers are, she injects So Much into such a Short Entry. She leaves one Understanding that these are not just her thoughts but the thoughts and feelings of the Majority of Iraqi’s as they would be to others in other Countries after being Invaded, Occupied and Rapidly Destroyed, the People, the Infrastructure, the Society, the Whole Country!

The blockquote above is just the first paragraph of another Powerful Posting, from a little known about Young Lady,  in the Country known as Iraq. Please visit her site and read the rest of Movies and Dreams… , it would seem to me to give her Thoughts and Feelings much more Impact, by reading them there!

After visiting Riverbends  ‘Baghdad Burning’ Blog HERE is a site that will bring the Destructive Forces of Human’s Inhumanity against fellow Human’s to better focus, just one more of many that are Extremely Graphic in Reality! A Strong Warning though, there are Extremely Graphic Photo’s and Video’s Linked Within, so Prepare!

A Picture or Video is just a Moment in Time of any given day, and there are Many Moments, much of them Destructive in a Day within a War/Conflict. For the Destructive Forces can come at Any Moment of those Many Moments by Any Force Intent on Bringing the Destruction!

You can view a couple of Pages of Photo’s HERE and HERE and a Video HERE

Be Forwarned of Directly Above

These are also Photo’s of those who went through their Many Moments and Now Have No More Moments To Live:

This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!

As of Today, 11-06-05 there are 51 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!

If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’

October In Iraq – Video

Extremely moving Photo Essay of 27 funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq.

U.S. CASUALTY MAP;click on map for interaction site:

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
If that is true than
2000 Speaks VOLUMES!!

PS: And while you’re at it, think about 58,000 Plus Faces Of Vietnam
