Author: JLG

A Scott Walker Voter Looks at the Budget Cuts

Wisconsin has become the focus of national attention because the Governor used the budget process to try to dismantle public employee unions.  Had he not done so, and had only used the budget process to make spending cuts,...

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A Tour of the Lost Dimensions

What game were we playing when the health bill was making its way through Congress?  Was it eleven-dimensional chess?  I lose track of the number of dimensions.  I’m still trying to solve Rubik’s cube,...

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Final Tally: Progressives 1, Others 534

Booman wrote a thoughtful piece on this site some time ago about winning the argument (I don’t remember if that’s exactly what he called it).  But the point was that there are certain issues, like voting rights,...

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Two Presidents Worse Than Bush

If it turns out that there was sometime between 2001 and 2009 when global warming hit the point of no return, when humanity was doomed to extinction or a marginal existence because we made the planet uninhabitable, and that we...

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