Author: k9disc

Talking About the Internet: Delivery vs Access

Click to order… Click! This creates a chain of activities: order processing, packaging, shipping, and receiving. This is the frame that AT&T has chosen to use to talk about their business: Podcasts: delivered Your...

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The Information Toll Road

* xposted at dKos The Information Toll Road As the reality of an Information Toll Road draws near, people from all points of cyberspace are rallying around Net Neutrality, and airing their grievances in terms of that concept....

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Progressive Platform: Strength Through Community

crossposted @  Demspeak,  dKos, and Rockridge

Here is a winning Progressive Platform:

Public Safety Should Not be Funded Through Charity.

Firefighters, First Responders, and Police Officers are integral parts of our communities. They ensure the safety of our families and neighbors. Progressives believe that it is unacceptable for these vital services to be funded through charitable giving and volunteerism. Progressives believe that fully funded, professional public safety is a wise investment for a strong community.

Access to Healthcare Should be Guaranteed to All Citizens.

Progressives believe that no child should go without medical care because their parents cannot afford a trip to the doctor; no citizen should be financially ruined by out of control health care costs; decisions for medical treatment should be made by doctors, not by accountants.

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Bush’s Enron Energy Policy: A Brief Precis

Here is a short summary of Bush’s Enron Energy Policy as outlined in a speech on June 15th. Thanks. Supporting Energy efficiency is critical for the future of America. Increasing energy efficiency saves money and will make...

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