Author: KAMuston

The GOP Scandals get B.I.G.G.E.R.

I found the floowing on the Sacremento BEE web site, and thought it might be a nice Christams present for all Democrats and for those Republicans who are unhappy by the vulgarity and lack of morality displayed over the last five...

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The Language Wars

This is an old column of mine that I stumbled across while googling myself out of morbid couriosity – and since it’s almost Christmas and since I have fond memories of a wayward squab I parented named Walter the...

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I have a few questions, eventually

I have a few questions, eventually. First, I used to live in New York City. I have empathy and sympathy for those poor folks. But frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. A bunch of lawyers having to hike to work? What a...

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