Author: keepinon

Thoughts on "An Inconvenient Truth"

Yesterday was a rainy summer day in S.E. Michigan.  The wife and I took advantage and caught a matinee showing of “An Inconvenient Truth” at the local theater complex.  What they are saying about the movie...

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An Ode To BushCo: With Rhymes!

What with Booman on the move and all, I thought what better time than now to unveil my poetic prowess?  Since I have been hanging round the pond (from about late summer I think) so many wondrous things have been going on, I...

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Michigan Middle Class Blues

I have no experience with posting diaries but while reading the Detroit Free Press this a.m. I jumped from my breakfast and dashed to my computer.  According to an headline article written by staff writer Michael Ellis with...

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Did DC. really happen? With Poll.

If 10,000 or 100,000 or 250,000 or 500,000 or more people gathered in DC. this past weekend to protest the war in Iraq, and the rest of the nation doesn’t know about it, did the protest really happen? Here in S.E....

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Did DC. really happen? With Poll.

If 10,000 or 100,000 or 250,000 or 500,000 or more people gathered in DC. this past weekend to protest the war in Iraq, and the rest of the nation doesn’t know about it, did the protest really happen? Here in S.E....

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