Author: kid oakland

two activists, four beers

You could tell who we were at the busy local Oakland, CA bar

Matt had an anti-Arnold hat on, and more than one political button adorned his jacket…and I was the only guy in the place with a yellow legal pad.

We talked about Richard Pombo the scuzzy GOP congressman in neighboring CA-11, we talked about Jerry McNerney, Pombo’s 2004 grass roots environmentalist opponent, we talked about the upcoming vote on ballot initiatives and that day’s protest by Alliance for a Better California…

and we talked about the heartbreak that ABC wasn’t opposing Proposition 73, an anti-choice proposition that would change the California State Constitution to put in “life begins at conception” language, in addition to opposing Propositions 74-78

but Matt had some other interesting things to say that I thought I’d pass on:  thoughts about the state of organizing and the netroots today…

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hello from kid o.

I went to a Giants game and missed the brouhaha…oi vey! (and yes, the Giants lost) Forgive me booman, but I’m NOT going to crosspost this anywhere else for obvious reasons…dKos needs no Meta from me tonight,...

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Race and Katrina: Starting a Discussion

[From the diaries by susanhu.] I made a comment today on dKos that echoed pieces I’ve written on my blog and on dKos: race and racism: on dkos (do click on the comments) and the race card. I’d like to put out to the...

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