two activists, four beers
You could tell who we were at the busy local Oakland, CA bar…
Matt had an anti-Arnold hat on, and more than one political button adorned his jacket…and I was the only guy in the place with a yellow legal pad.
We talked about Richard Pombo the scuzzy GOP congressman in neighboring CA-11, we talked about Jerry McNerney, Pombo’s 2004 grass roots environmentalist opponent, we talked about the upcoming vote on ballot initiatives and that day’s protest by Alliance for a Better California…
and we talked about the heartbreak that ABC wasn’t opposing Proposition 73, an anti-choice proposition that would change the California State Constitution to put in “life begins at conception” language, in addition to opposing Propositions 74-78…
but Matt had some other interesting things to say that I thought I’d pass on: thoughts about the state of organizing and the netroots today…
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