Author: Chris Bellomy

For Martin, and for Andrew

Martin and I have debated the Kinks once or twice, as they are my favorite rock band of all time, whereas he sees them as lightweight and forgettable. I hope you won’t mind, Martin, but I’m sharing an old Kinks song...

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The American Right and Islamic Extremism

I hope that the regulars here might help me flesh out a list I’m compiling of instances where neoconservative policy has served to aid Islamic extremism or vice versa, irrespective of the extent to which this aid appeared...

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Don’t Blame BP

Pissed. I know that’s the first feeling I get looking at the photos of the devastation of the gulf coast. I’m pissed that people were so stupid, so mindlessly greedy, that they were willing to play dice with...

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Liveblogging Obama in Fort Worth

Somehow I have a press pass to the Obama rally tonight at the Fort Worth Convention Center. I could liveblog it at Daily Kos but then I’d surely get troll-rated. I may get troll-rated here but at least if so I’ll...

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