Author: Larry Johnson

Why John Murtha is Right!

by Larry C. Johnson (bio below) John Murtha’s courageous call for American troops to leave Iraq is the right policy at the right time. The Bush chickenhawks already are impugning Murtha’s patriotism, but when you...

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Letter to President Bush

The attached letter was sent earlier today to the White House and copied to members of the Senate and House leadership. The group of former and retired intelligence officers are bipartisan, representing a variety of political...

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Bush Wrong Again

by Larry C. Johnson (bio below) [Also see my op-ed, “… And why it should never be done,” published in the LA Times on November 11, 2005.] The inept attempt by President Bush to justify the pre-emptive war in...

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… And why it should never be done

by Larry C. Johnson (bio below) From my op-ed written for, and published in, today’s Los Angeles Times (sub. required): LARRY C. JOHNSON, a former CIA officer, was a deputy director of the State Department Office of...

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