Author: Librarianman

The Real GOP Terror Ad

So, after watching the ridiculous and enraging GOP terror ad tonight, I set to making a truthful version of it. Please check it out. Perhaps this will help convince the Dem leadership to create a similar ad, and run it...

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I have a story to tell you

I have a story to tell you. I recently moved in to a new house with my wife and 3 beautiful daughters. It’s a great neighborhood, with one exception. The house next to me is a dump. To make matters worse, the guy that...

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The Truth Behind Tom Delay’s Smile

After several revisions, this photo montage is ready to be spread around. I can’t take hearing about how great Tom Delay is because he smiled for his mugshot. Here is a nice selection of other people who laughed in the face of Justice.

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This needs to get seen so please recommend.

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