Author: Limelite

Brother Jeb’s "Dirty little secret"

Today’s Miami Herald reports that Gov. Jeb handcuffs state agencies’ requests for money from lawmakers.  Despite a state law to the contrary. An open secret in Tallahassee is now hanging like dirty laundry in...

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Homelessness: America’s Shame

I hope you and the ones you love are eagerly anticipating a joyful and warm celebration of love and bounty this Thanksgiving.  I hope you will all sit down to a table groaning with homemade food and see nothing but faces...

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Consider Woodward’s Apology to WaPo

In his “I’m sorry,” to Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr., Woodward says he wanted to protect his sources.  But he only went to his editor after Libby was indicted.  So, the sources he wants to...

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"Tornado" Wilma

As the continuing saga of “Don’t Be My Neighbor” unfolds here at the edge of the Evergaldes, the broadcast news is all hurricanes all the time.

Even Game II of the WS is ad-free as we’re jerked from a 40-something degree night in Chicago to the sultry 81 degrees here where the solemn-faced weather people, led by Mr. Max at the Nat’l. Hurricane Center down the street (as it were) are telling us the BIG danger for those of us on the dirty side (yep! that’s me) of Wilma is going to be tornados.  

New with this storm, the weather people have trotted out a technological innovation so we can experience cranked up thrills as the now cat-3 storm bears down on the Naples/Ft. Myers area.

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Powell to McCain: "I showed memo to only 2 people"

While rumors are the theme of the week, here’s a hefty slice from the Beltway Insider Pie that comes to us via an e-mail from a Democratic House member’s staffer to Jan Frel at AlterNet.

Four items, viz.:

  • Fred Flights, an assistant to John Bolton, is a named name who could be indicted.
  • Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been suggested as replacements for Dick Cheney.
  • Colin Powell told John McCain he showed the infamous memo with Plame’s identity on it two just two people; Dick Cheney and George Bush.
  • Fitzgerald is looking at the precedent set from the indictment of Tricky Dick’s veep Spiro Agnew to pursue against Cheney.

Note, the e-mailing staffer eschews CAPS, a quirk that I’ve preserved.

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