Author: liza

Use your cell phone for election protection

Hey peeps! Yeah, yeah, I know I’ve MIA, but I had a crazy busy summer that extended to a crazy busy beginning of the school year here at the Blogdiva’s HQ. Anyhow, I wanted to bring attention to a post I wrote...

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Michelle Malkin and the “Baby Mama” drama

Fox News had Michelle Malkin on yesterday discussing some thing or another having to do with the dark-skinned Filipina’s attacks and demonization of presumptive First Lady Michelle Obama. So what does the Fox News...

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FRI. NIGHT GROOVE: NAS Black President

Go to XXL or culturekitchen to listen to one of the illest songs to come out of this campaign. Not only is NAS remixing Barack Obama’s victory speech, he’s thrown the immortal Tupac in the loop (and if you know even...

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An apology

I want to apologize for my earlier post; especially to Martin. As per requests from some people in the community and Martin I took the post off the front page. In a poor attempt to explain if not defend myself, I do want people...

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