Author: Luam

Yom Kippur prayer for America

As Jews prepare themselves for their Yom Kippur prayers this year, take a moment to remember our country and our President in your prayers.  Yom Kippur is the day of Atonement, and on that day we ask for forgiveness for all...

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Proud to be an American – a filk

The Fourth of July is a great time to think about what it means to be an American and why we value our independence and freedom, more importantly what we need to do to protect them.  We have all heard the song, “God...

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On Speech and Money

In this day and age, our politicians spend far too much of their time looking for campaign contributions and not enough communicating with their constituents.  Far too many campaigns (like CA-50) spend an obscene amount of...

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Names of Guantanamo Bay Detainees are Released

According to today’s Guardian, the names of all of the prisoners who are, or have been, at the Guantamino Bay prison: The US government has released its first official list  of detainees at the Guantánamo Bay...

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History of a repatriating expat

The time has finally come for me to say goodbye to old Blighty and return to America.  So many of my European friends ask me if it feels good to be going home.  I’m not sure, in more ways than one I am not going...

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