Cross posted in orange Please bow your heads with me and repeat: Praise be to FUBAR who art in Washington. Thy destruction come. Thy servants’ meekness be done In principles as it be done in Never Never Land. Give us...
Read MorePosted by m00nchild | May 25, 2007 |
Also posted in orange and tan Ah, the comfortable vantage point of hindsight. The AP, that venerable guardian of truth, is reporting: U.S. intelligence analysts predicted, in two papers widely circulated before the 2003...
Read MorePosted by m00nchild | May 24, 2007 |
Also posted in orange. I, like most of you, come to this site in search of solutions. I am only 36 but have likely lived half of my lifespan if I am so lucky to respond well to HIV antiviral medication as part of my...
Read MorePosted by m00nchild | May 22, 2007 |
Crosposted in orange and tan In this critical hour, when freedom itself has been called into question by illegal acts of a despotic Presidency, I have a dream that America will not forget Martin Luther King. King left many...
Read MorePosted by m00nchild | May 21, 2007 |
Originally posted in orange Have you not been radicalized? At the start of every day, I wake up to new outrages. This has been happening for more than 6 years now. When I woke up after the morning after the 2000...
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