Author: Marie2

Those Sneaky Devils [Update #2]

The Hobby Lobby, etc. decision may look narrow but it’s not.  The decision seems to have borrowed heavily from another case, but for reasons that will become clear, accepting the Hobby Lobby, etc. case for review gave...

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The Koch Politico Look?

Does Chris McDaniel look like another GOP politician to anyone but me? Photos of Chris McDaniel Sort of like this guy? A bit more like this guy. Not unlike this guy. Or this one. Doubt I could tell the difference between...

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Banksters Smiling Again [Update]

It’s only a House bill, so far.  But it is troubling for a couple of reasons. From Reuters The US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to weaken the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s power to regulate...

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Pointless? Hardly

(A comment that grew much too long.) After the first sentence, Pointless Anti-Establishmentarianism is more or less wrong.   The Civil Rights Movement against Jim Crow predated the 1960s.  The first major judicial...

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BridgeTrolls: Investigations Slowly Moving Along

Like Richard Nixon in the year before his resignation, Christie continues his claim that the scandal is behind him and the bridge and road to the WH is wide open. Scott Raab and Lisa Brennan at Esquire are hearing that there are...

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